No Confrontational Parking Fine

Asking for a friend. My friend stopped at a no stopping sign briefly to pick up someone. A week later, got a $260 fine in the mail for stopping at no stopping. The ranger did not fine my friend on the spot nor confront my friend to drive away. I guess the ranger just took a photo, enter the fine into their system and then walked off.

Is this the norm? it seems very easy, no confrontational money grabbing exercise. I think they should have at least walked up and see whats going on with us, check whether it was a mechanical breakdown and if not just shoo us off. I cant imagine rangers now taking a stroll and just start snapping pics of cars stopped at no stopping and fining them all. Sydney City Councils gona be mega rich then.

I know stopping at no stopping constitutes a fine. The question is more of how rangers fine people these days.


  • +3

    If OP had politely walked over and told me what this stupid thread was about I would never have clicked and read this rubbish. I guess OP just clicked 'Post Comment' and walked off.

    Is this the norm? it seems very easy, no confrontational rant posting exercise on a bargain website.

    I think OP should have at least asked us whether this was a quality post. I know shitposting isn't banned. The question is there seems to be more shitposting in these forums these days.

    • +1

      Yea. I agree with this. I got sucked into this too lol.

      • +1

        unfortunately, me too.

      • going onto highlighted discussion topics baby

    • Isn't getting out of fines good bargain advice? Don't often get a bargain of a price being reduced from $260 to free!

      • good bargain advice? don't commit parking infringements. $0 worth of fines forever.

  • I do agree it is much more effective 'policing' to give the infringement notice on the spot. In this case your friend probably drove off before the ranger could approach with the ticket.

  • Aren't standing and stopping two different things?

  • +4

    You forgot to turn on your emergency blinkers?
    That way you can claim you really did stop for an emergency, like a panic attack or feeling ligh-headed and almost passed-out.
    Also gives you a 50% chance the photo will have the emergency blinkers lit-up, which I believe will help your odds.

    • haha yes I was going to suggest this also!

    • Finally! A helping non judgmental voice.

      I would keep this in mind when situation calls for that.

    • Would have to probably fill in a stat dec in their appeal to the council.
      Doing dodgy stat decs is a bit more of an issue than a $250 fine…

    • cool would it work? as in, feeling light headed as an excuse.. i know in the fine review process, they ask for evidence. How would you prove that?

    • People using emergency blinkers without a genuine reason don't deserve a driver licence.

      Once, a guy stopped suddenly in front of me right in a no stopping zone, turned emergency blinkers on and picked up his phone to talk. He was extremely inconsiderate given that the road was narrow, I and other drivers had to cross the double centre line to go around him.

      Emergency blinkers are for emergencies. Picking up a passenger is not an emergency!

      • This is when a slurpee comes in handy.

  • Ozweasel strikes again

  • +1

    Was the engine running? If so, then he wasn't "stopped", he was standing. If the engine was off, then he stopped and warrants fine.

    • +1

      'Standing' was phased out a while back, at least in Victoria. The rule was replaced with 'Stopping', so all signs are 'No Stopping' including S with diagonal strike through in circle

      • Not quite correct:

        'No Parking' = must not stop in the area indicated by the sign unless they are dropping off or picking up passengers or goods. While stopped in a ‘No Parking’ zone drivers are not permitted to leave the vehicle unattended, which means they must remain within 3 metres of the vehicle. The driver must complete their task and drive on as soon as possible, within the time limit.
        Unless the signs say otherwise, the time limit for stopping is two minutes.
        If the time indicated on the sign is less than five minutes, or no time is indicated, drivers with a disabled parking permit may stop for twice the allowed time.

        'No Stopping' = drivers must not stop in the area shown by the arrows on the sign, even if they are picking up or dropping off passengers. Similarly, drivers must not stop along sections of road marked with a continuous yellow edge line. Where older ‘No Standing’ signs are being phased out, but they have the same meaning as ‘No Stopping’.

        • Yes that's correct - but the comment was about comparisons between 'Standing' and 'Stopping'… Not 'Parking' which still exists in the form of 'No Parking'.

          The use of the word 'Standing' was phased out and replaced by 'Stopping', so all NS signs are No Stopping. Again, 'No Parking' is a different rule.

  • +2

    Friend parked in No Stopping. Friend ran the risk of incurring an infringement. Friend got infringed (regardless of method of issuing).

    Just seems like friend/OP are directly/indirectly seeking validation that it's some secret dirty black op to get their money. Don't park in No Stopping = don't get infringed!

    Traditionally infringements were placed on vehicle windscreens, and now (like other legal notifications) they come in the mail. It's probably a better method of delivery to ensure that motorist actually gets the fine in place of it falling off the vehicle and the motorist incurring extra penalties etc.

    • Is that the reason why I noticed some drivers purposely left the ticket on the screen and drive off?

      • Could be, but could also be any number of reasons; they didn't see the ticket, they don't want to deal with the ticket, embarrassment, don't want others to see their reaction of receiving the ticket, etc.

  • Same happened to my friend and he appealed on court and got away. Same situation but different case, at least my friend was innocent, unlike OP's friend purposely stopped.

  • +4

    Your friend can't be bothered finding a proper parking space. Hell, they can't even be bothering posting on here themselves.

    No mercy.

    Get 'em bois.

  • Seems fine to me.
    Follow the street signs and road rules.

  • +2

    My friends never make threads on random internet forums when i ask them questions

    Why is this?

    • Your friends don't care about your questions?

      • maybe they post my questions to them but dont tell me, taking all the credit for random internet strangers suggestions

  • -1

    I find it disturbing that so many people are saying he deserves to be fined $260 for stopping for a few seconds. That's why Australia gets away with making the most money off traffic infringements in the world under the guise of keeping the roads safe.

    • What better deterrent do you suggest? Obviously a sign warning that it is a "no stopping" area didn't work for OP's friend. Should we employ thousands of officers to stand on every street and give verbal warnings?

      • A $50 fine would be in line with the rest of the developed world.

        • Can't afford the fine, don't do the crime? Simple maths.

        • Id risk it for $50, since it won't really hurt my wallet. But I'd think twice for $260.

          • @Ughhh: $50 is rich especially for people looking for cheap deals.

    • +1

      If there is a turd on the floor, you see it, but then proceed to step on it, who's fault is it really?

    • I find it disturbing that you find it disturbing. Full circle complete.

  • +4

    Why do people defend rangers so much

    They’re no longer $90 fines that you could pay and move on

    The way they bait and fine people is legal but not ethical

    • +5

      How are the rangers baiting the motorists to violate the road rules?

      • +5

        The council probably worked with road construction companies to make seductive and tempting no stopping zones. Its a conspiracy!

      • -1

        We all know Rangers put the signs up after you have left your car or photoshop your car and signs later.
        They do this because they get paid all the money they collect in fines.
        Completely unethical.

        • It is officially recognised that many parking signs are confusing yet nothing has been done yet. Yet you have people defending them like celebrities

          • @CandyMan: Actually the introduction of yellow lines was bought in to simplify the visual aspect of informing people where they cant stop/park.
            People still stop and park on yellow lines…

      • it can be said it is not ethical if you imagine the situation where the ranger sits by the window of a starbucks outside a train station with no stopping sign and happily snapping away photos of cars 1 by 1 stopped in no stopping while sipping away gracefully at their iced latte. Sure it may be legal but i wouldnt call it ethical.

        • +3

          I think it's totally fine. What's not fine is people breaking the law and expecting to be let off when caught.

          • @Omitsukasa: yeah dont let me see you complaining when you make the same mistake. im sure youve stopped at no stopping sign before.

            • @Thenarrator: Lol what? I for sure have never before stopped at a no stopping area. Don't try to normalise unlawful actions that it's OK by assuming everyone does it, because it's not true.

              I've accidentally sped before though without noticing and copped the fine without any whinging because I did speed.

      • Councils need rangers to meet the budget they have promised to allocate. If they forecast $1 million fines revenue that year and allocate that money but motorists are abiding the rules and not getting fined, what do you think council will do?

        • +1

          Reduce their spending on the next budget.

      • +1

        To make my point clear:

        … Mr Perottet said fines were too steep and used as a revenue-raising exercise by local authorities.
        “Councils need to stop using parking fines as an excuse to get a sugar hit and look at ways they can save ratepayers’ money rather than hit them in the hip pocket.”


  • +7

    Replying to your post for a friend… My friend says that the warning your friend had is the signs and the penalty for wilfully ignoring road rules is the fine. My friend also wanted me to tell you to tell your friend that how the council go about penalising you for this is irrelevant.

    My friend also had some opinions about you and your friend for even asking this question but to be kind I won't post it here… There was a lot of swearing and he kept talking about how no one wants to take accountability for their actions these days.

    Apologies but my friend can be quite blunt.

    • +2

      my friends friend to me to tell your friend that thats what friends are for, and a friends friend cannot be your friend, friend.

      • +2

        Friendliest comment EVER!

        Well done mate friend :)

  • +1

    Is anyone amazed that a fine went into mail just from a picture?

    There's hit and runs, accidents etc where only a picture of car and rego is not enough. The victim needs name of other driver before police or insurance companies get involved.

    Why is it so easy for rangers?

    • +2

      Why is it so easy for rangers?

      The infringement notices are issued as strict liability offences.

      • +1

        A car hit your car. That's unfair how it's considered not enough evidence for police or insurance companies to charge the car rego.

    • They have access to the registration details of registered vehicles meaning they just look it up before mailing it out.
      Just like gets done with speeding cameras.

  • I've had the same thing happen to me on new years day near Coogee

  • This is the same as saying I got a speeding ticket but there was no speeding camera sign, it's not fair!

  • Could be worth contesting if they haven't provided any evidence. But they probably have photos or video so your mate is probably stuffed. But sometimes their photos are really no evidence of anything and you can get the fine dismissed.

    But anyway, no it is not unusual to just receive an infringement in the mail and your friend is probably going to have to pay the fine.

    • Could be worth contesting if they haven't provided any evidence.

      I believe it is just at council level atm. Probably not worth court appearance, but worth checking photo, of it's easy to do without dramas.

      A friend of mine told a story to a friend he unfriended last year on friendbook, your friend can just tell the council a feasible story, and they will likely just waive the fine as a one off, and consider it a caution.
      You could write the letter, since you're friend is still recovering in hospital, after giving birth to your' illegitimate child, which is why you suddenly had to stop their with your friend, driving another friend's vehicle, and had to pull over as your friend's friend's wated broke. And actually gave birth on side of road.

      Ask for pics from ranger, for your friend's friend's baby-book ;)

  • -6

    Parking rangers are scum of the earth, once they fined (non confrontationally) a friend who stopped for 2 seconds, next to a parked car to drop kids near school entry. 4 demerit points.

    • +3

      <MOD: Remove accusation>. They broke Rule 189 of the Road Rules and subsequently got fined for that breach. Sounds about right. They impeded the flow of traffic. They reduced the safety of their children exiting the vehicle. Did they both jump out curbside? Or did a child exit a street side door? Tsk tsk.

      Also I'm willing to wield a stopwatch and watch his kids get out of the car, with their school gear, on a public road. I bet you $263 (4 point infringement) they take longer than 2 seconds.

    • +1

      a friend who stopped for 2 seconds, next to a parked car to drop kids near school entry. 4 demerit points.

      Double parking in a school zone. Shame on your friend.

    • +1


    • You take that title now.

  • +1

    Worked in local councils in Sydney about 6 or so years ago. Even back then the rangers were under no obligation to actually talk to you or approach you to issue the infringement.

    You're friend did something wrong, and this time got pinged for it. It happens.

  • +1

    Parking inspectors are (profanity).

    The otherday I parked in a 1hr then went out half hour later and saw the inspector marking my tires.

    caught upto him and asked if he just marked them, he said yes, I said so Ive got an hour right? he said nah you've been there a while.

    Turns out he had parked his motorbike in current no standing zone that is loading between certain hours. different rules.

    So I moved it 20 metres forward into a 2hr park that was free making sure the chalk is down or rubbed off.

    Also I abide by the rules but sometimes work gets in the way to moving it quick enough.

    literally five of us got ticketed 2 minutes after our finish and parking time because the lift temporarily broke down.

    (profanity) private parking contracts, So many people haording cityspace just to cash in, I barely ever use, when I do the machine is broken. Still get fined, but never pay.

    bus, cycle, or street park hop for me or sneak into onsite parking.

    • +2

      Ok, so list of mistakes you made.

      1. Moved from one carspace into another on the same length of road (you need to move to another road or another zone)
      2. Didn't remove your vehicle within the time frame of that carspace (shouldn't have had 2 hours to begin with, yet you still took more than 2 hours)
      3. Trusted an elevator to get you to your destination on time.…

      • Poor reading comprehension. Not once did I say I took more than 2 hours.

        1hr to 2hr sign change is different zone.

        Try the AFP instead of policing the internet.

        • Which state do you live in? They all adopt this rule. Your definition of "different zone" is wrong.

          If you didn't take more than 2 hours why did you get fined? I'm guessing you were playing parking musical chairs all day.

          • @Typical16-bitEnjoyer: I didnt thats why its a seperate story at the bottom of my post, completely different circumstances. I also moved my car off the street and came back parked in a different timed zone but this is an extrememly poor definition of 'area' that wouldnt hold up anywhere.

            The infringement was legit and no issues paid. The hassles of builders trying to construct without any onsite parking and councils willingly impeding everyone to line their extremely overpaid bureaucratic pockets is not lost on me.

            • @abuch47: That's a problem every mobile workforce faces. Obviously something your employer hasn't considered, doesn't want to look into or doesn't care. There are plenty of solutions.

              • @Typical16-bitEnjoyer: Nope no chance as the worksite can change daily and the clients never willing to pay for it.

  • +1

    Nowhere in your posts or comments you really mention the conditions. I hate revenue raising as much as anyone (well, depending on the circumstances) and as someone said, if no one is around anyway that's a little overzealous.

    But equally Ubers and taxis and whoever else that stop literally at any moment, some who don't even bother pulling over into an obvious free spot right in front are the ones who could use a bit of a nudge with a fine.

    It doesn't take much common sense to see if someone stopping in a no standing spot is causing traffic issues.

    • Yep, no one was around to be seen. I looked at the photos of evidence. it was taken behind a bus squeezed in between another large vehicle. The next photo was of the back of the car driving off taken from the middle of the road.

  • +1

    That's norm for no stopping zone.
    People make mistakes dropping off/picking up friends etc. at no stopping zone thinking it's okay to do just a few seconds stopping.

    That's why rangers just collect photo evidence as that's all they can within seconds.

    Are you claiming what they are doing is unlawful? I don't think so.

  • -4

    I've seen this kind of thing happen before.

    Sister was dropping off her son at school. It was extremely busy as usual during that hour. They were stopped, and there was no space to pull over, so she told her son to just exit the car while traffic was stationary. Then she copped a fine for 'double parking'.

    It was hardly unsafe to get off since all traffic was at a stand still, and instead of circling around looking for an empty side of the road car park, they decided to save time and just let him off. Letting a passenger off without parking first is considered double parking, even though you're not actually parking but just standing still because traffic has halted.

    Revenue vs common sense; revenue will always win out.

    This is an application of letter of the law with no discretion or consideration for common sense. If traffic was moving and you were holding up traffic, that's understandable. Still harsh but understandable. At no point was traffic even moving. And the 'right' thing to do would be to circle around until you find a spot you can enter, hope no one takes it before you, and keep circling around for as long as this takes.

    • Why not leave home earlier?

      • Same reason people don't leave for work earlier: It isn't practical.

        If you ever drop kids off to school, there's a whole block of time where it's packed. You'd have to beat that entire block. If it were that simple no one would face rush hour traffic in the mornings.

        You'd have to leave very early, let's say 30 minutes to save yourself a few minutes of time finding a spot to park. Does that sound like good use of time to you? Plus your kid is left on their own unsupervised a bit longer and no one wants that.

        Depending on your route to work, it could be congested for hours. Try going to work 1 or 2 hours earlier every morning in order to beat rush hour. Does it sound like efficient use of time?

        • -1

          Time management isn't something one is born with. It's a skill that one has to keep working on to get it right.

          Does you sister still "drop off" her children in the same manner after receiving the fine?

    • This is an application of letter of the law with no discretion or consideration for common sense

      Common sense isn't so common these days. Can't expect everyone to have a functional brain. If there were discretions, The next idiot may not apply/know common sense.

  • Can Uber / Ola stop at No stopping zone to pick up passenger?

  • That's what Australia has become, councils and governments rely on fines for every little thing, high taxes on alcohol, cigarettes and everything else where they can slug the average citizen. Gambling and stamp duties are major revenue raisers, but it's all good, 27 years continuous growth, just nothing to show for it.

  • There is no need for them to have confronted you. I don't believe there is really any defense for what your friend did, as far as making it not illegal .
    If there is (or was) some breakdown, or mechanical issue, I'm sure there is an option to explain that to council via letter etc, or can elect to take it to court.

    Did the crime, Do the time pay the fine.

    No point in coucil ranger having a big confrontation over it. There would certainly be instances where they feel they might be in danger of being attacked and/or threatened, if they were to confront every single person before issuing fine.

  • +2

    only on the internet where you would find some many people who loves parking rangers………

  • -1

    Why don't councils redirect "fine" money to charity. Then people will stop questioning their motives. It's still a deterrent for the driver as they're still out of pocket and the donation is not tax deductible but at least they feel better for contributing to a good cause rather than the council's pockets.

    • The fines pays for road maintenance. I, for one enjoy driving on fresh bitumen.

    • +1

      Councils do provide wages and services for the citizens of their municipality.
      I enjoy using the library/parks/public pools and other services.
      I have seen the council spend money on things I deem stupid but that is only my opinion.
      I'm sure revenue from fines joins the revenue from rates to provide these services. If fine revenue disappeared I'm sure rates would go up.

      • Fair point. Perhaps they should include a blurb about where this fine money is going to like they do on tax returns.

  • +1

    Nothing wrong with revenue raising. They have to get the $$ somewhere. Better infringements which I can avoid, than putting up my council rates.

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