Q on "Clementine Media Player" (as Podcast receiver)

So, the Subj media player also finds [& can download] Podcasts
(PLUS its Android remote-control app is easy to get working, &
seems to work well)

Q: Where (on my computer's local storage can I find downloaded)
does it store New podcasts?

I found the settings-specified folder location, but none of my
podcasts - which are listed in the media player, & play fine -
are showing up there.

Is there some way to request a Re-Download, in case I missed a
"New" download test, that might have saved a copy in the folder?

Must I, eg, use a cloud-based storage location, &, later, copy
to some local drive(s)?

(I can, of course, manually download each past podcast, but it's
a pain, especially when this program can fetch podcasts, as they
are released.)

For those who have fetched podcasts "long ago" I have been using
Juice 2.2 (on a Win XP netbook) for yonks, but the podcast of
interest's RSS string doesn't work there.

The same string works fine in (more recently released) Clementine

PS Its Android-based Remote Control "only" lets me select Podcast
& change Volume, as it plays <= on the Windows box

Is there a pair of apps (podcast fetcher + remote control), that
streams the audio to my device (where the rem cont is running)?


  • Have you tried turning it off and on again?

  • -1

    The Clementine Media Player.
    Is the problem you're having it's refusing to play anything but echo-chamber radical feminist content?

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