How about This House? (take # 2)

14/02 : It's a done deal! :) Thank you ozbargain: you've been wonderful, as always.

Hello again ,

So, we had a family meeting last night and we all agreed that our current house is too big for us. We have received a really good offer on our place from a lovely couple with an endless stream of kids ( I counted 4 but there could have been more upstairs). The sale proceed would have been enough to pay off our mortgage AND buy a 3-bedroom unit within walking distance to our kids' school. However there are 5 of us and even though our 2 year old has altruistically offered to give up his room and sleep in Mama and Dadda's room…foreveršŸ˜± , in the end, my wife had to agree with those who commented on my other post and accept that it wouldn't work.

We're now looking at another place which a mate is currently renovating. It is a double storey house , on its own land title. However it is at the back of another house. The driveway is private. This is roughly what the ground floor looks like. Upstairs, there's a full bathroom , 2 good size bedrooms and a 2.8m x 3 m study. The study is nice and bright and could easily be converted into a toddler's room. The landing is wide enough to be turned into a rumpus area for the 3 kiddos.


  • By selling our place and buying this one, we will significantly reduce our mortgage.If all goes as planned, our new mortgage will only be about $200- 250k.

  • we'll still be close to the beach , kids' school , day care, train station …etc

  • Smaller house = less heating and cooling costs.

  • I get a proper workshop .

  • Kids have enough space to run around outside but it is still pretty low maintenance.

  • Might be easier to rent out this smaller place when we move overseas in a couple of years.


  • everything associated with buying and selling houses and moving.

  • No office for my wife who works 2-3 days from home.

  • Stairs! The little one will be sleeping upstairs with his pre-teen siblings. Child safety gates at top and bottom of the stairs and baby monitor could be a solution.

  • The living room is smaller than we are used to. Will need to buy new couch.

  • Masterbedroom has sliding doors which faces east. This could be closed off to leave only a small window opening or I guess , a little covered patio area could be built outside, so that it doesn't get the full brunt of the summer sun.

So what are your thoughts? Would you buy this one? Would you trust pre-teens to remember to close the child safety gate behind them so that their little brother doesn't tumble down the stairs?


Edit: First floor will be similar to this.

Poll Options

  • 19
    Yes, I would buy this one: low mortgage, low maintenance and cosy.
  • 1
    No way! Those stairs are a death trap among other things.
  • 7


  • +2

    Sounds like you want the new house, and with the financial freedom it provides why not.

    I guess the real question is does your family want to move/live in the new place?

    On the baby gate: you only need to live with that for another year, once the little one is 3 they should be fine getting up and downstairs, although those middle of the night missions that the little one will make who knows if they'll make a wrong turn and head for the stairs! I'd be checking that gate before bed every night.

    • I guess the real question is does your family want to move/live in the new place?

      We took the kids to see the house today.
      They loved the location which is walking distance to their 3 favourite things : their school, the beach and the local library. They've picked a bedroom each and has already declared the top floor an adult-free zone. They were also relieved that there's a tree in the backyard and their dreams of building a treehouse might still come true.

      The little one was surprisingly good with the stairs, although he did get a little over-confident towards the end. So was our dog. He was running up and down with his tongue hanging out and tripping over his feet. So we'll definitely need those self-closing gates.

      We've set the ball rolling. Hopefully the nice couple can come up with the money for our current house and we can move into this new place:)

  • +6

    Stairs? I don't recall them being an issue for my brother and I, or the millions of other children who grew up in houses with stairs.. I would describe it as a non-issue. Hell, I'd do it just for the workshop, that's a huge selling point.

  • +3

    Stairs for our kids has never been a problem for us. They fall down once and figure out they should be more careful. I think that home looks really small for a family of five but everyone has different wants/needs so we aren't the best ones for advice.. I live on acres of property with a huge house and all up it is significantly cheaper than a small home in the city to run.

  • +3

    When 4 out of your 5 cons are basically what people call first world problems, I think you're onto a winner.

    Would you trust pre-teens to remember to close the child safety gate behind them so that their little brother doesn't tumble down the stairs?

    No. Definitely not. Unless you're in a fanatical Darwinist-cult, probably invest in a gate that's spring-loaded/self-closes.

  • +1

    Nice find! Good luck

  • +2

    Turn your workshop into wife's office

  • +1

    I'm one of the ones who voted other. I'm going to sit on the fence on this one, even if it's painful. I can see both sides of the situation and each has it's merit.

    This second dwelling sounds much more suitable for your family than the one in the previous post. The stairs are a worry, but well fitted safety gates sound like a good idea.

    Property values and mortgages have changed so much in the last 25 years. When we were buying our home, $250 was considered a large mortgage and much more than we borrowed. Times have changed. Have wages gone up much in that time? I've been out of the full time workforce for over 10 years so I don't really know.

    It's great that you've consulted the whole family about the matter.

    Does your 2 year old still have a sleep during the day? Is it worth setting up a day bed (and emergency night bed) downstairs or will your wife be working upstairs when she works from home? Of course, this could be a moot question depending on how you organise things.

    On pure logic, the pros seem to outweigh the cons. Don't go overboard with the new furniture. I think your family are resilient enough to handle the change and it's great they agree that a smaller house would have advantages for them.

    Good luck.

    • The voice of reason :) thank you.

      Ps: The mortgage in my area is higher than $250k. We were lucky that Wiki and I got into the property market 14 years ago and were able to add equity in each of the properties we bought.

  • +2

    If you're concerned about serious injury to the lil one (which seems you aren't sure about whether they would close gate or not), don't risk it . We cannot comment on something that subjective on what your kids would or would not do with that gate. So seems a nobrainer to remove the risk with a slight adjustment.

    Get a gate that has spring mechanism so as it swings shut whether the siblings remember or not :)

  • +1

    Would you trust pre-teens to remember to close the child safety gate behind them so that their little brother doesn't tumble down the stairs?

    Just get a self closing one. Many of them are.

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