Internet Wi-Fi Device


I haven't got Home Broadband Wi-Fi Internet set up at my new home yet. Telstra will set it up after 10 days from today. Hence I need internet for the next 10 days. I have been using my mobile internet but it is going to exhaust soon. I have 20GB limit and I have already used 16GB.

Do you know anything about Internet Wi-Fi Devices that I can buy with some data to use for the next 10 days?

I don't want to spend huge amount of money.

Can you please help and suggest something?

Thank you.


  • I recently activated one of these 4G USB modems stick and it came with 30GB of data with like approx 60 day expiry :)…

    • Thank you. The one you sent in the link is now coming with 4GB data :(

  • -1

    Not a lot of information provided:
    - Does your existing mobile service provider include additional data during the period?
    - if so, for how much?
    - What do you need the data for?
    - can you limit your data usage for the next 10 days without detrimentally impacting your life?
    - How much additional data do you need for the next 10 days? (based on your recent usage)

  • When I signed up for telstra and was waiting for the NBN to complete the connection the house, I was able to use the Telstra smart modem '4g backup' as my internet for almost a month. All I had to do was set up the modem that I was issued, and it started working!

    • +1

      Thank you

      • +1

        Correct, but it's speed capped at 6/1

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