Best Value Laptop with 120hz 17.3" Screen for in Home Game Streaming with Moonlight

Hey OZBargain! Looking for opinions on the best value laptop with HEVC decode capability for game streaming. I've got my main gaming PC hooked up to gigabit ethernet and a junk 11" laptop which handles 60fps streaming quite well. I'm looking to get something with a bigger screen that will run 120hz+ as Moonlight can now stream at that frame rate.

Tips please!


  • Not sure if there's any cheap 17in 120hz laptops, most are gaming laptops with a graphics cards capable of utilising the high fresh rate (which defeats the purpose of streaming). Expect to spend 2k+. Why not get a monitor?

  • Nice question did you also try reddit or some pc forums?

    What you are asking for is a really interesting fairly niche use case and hopefully somebody has addressed this in the market.

    I assume as in home or even out of home game streaming becomes more popular we may see laptops geared towards meeting that exact purpose having more higher refresh rate screens and the necessary equipment to utilize it but leaving out stuff like a dedicated gpu lowering the cost for a game streaming specific laptop or portable device option.

    Yeah I would hit up reddit maybe even /r/pcmr or /r/buildapc as they might have more information.

    A 4K 60hz laptop with a lower end gpu and required cpu just to handle the 4K stream from your more powerful desktop monitor imho would be an awesome combo to have around available I would imagine I say.

    Good luck in your search and hunt.

  • Probably something Alienware.

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