As a customer am I liable to pay Internet Handling Fee ?

When I do online transaction I see Internet Handling charges. I don't understand why as a customer I should pay? But is it legally allowed to charge a customer for Internet Handling Fee


  • Which bank? How much is it?

  • +2

    They can charge you anything you agreed to pay for.

    • +1


  • +1

    Have you bought any pet food lately?

  • +2…

    If businesses introduce other fees
    The ban does not prevent a business from setting its own prices for the goods or services it sells.

    A business will usually determine its prices at a level where it covers all its costs, and includes a profit margin.

    If a business includes in its prices what it calls a ‘service fee’ or a ‘handling fee’ the ban will apply if those ‘fees’ are payable on some payment methods but not others (e.g. the fees apply when a customer pays with a credit or debit card, but not when the payment method is cash). A business is not able to by-pass the new ban by introducing what is in effect a payment surcharge but calling it something else.

    If the fees are not described as a payment surcharge, or something similar, and are payable by the customer regardless of the payment method, then they are unlikely to be a payment surcharge and the ban is unlikely to apply. However, ‘fees’ of any sort which are payable regardless of the payment method need to be included in the advertised total price, so the consumer is aware upfront what the total cost will be. If these fees are added to the advertised price later on, the business may not be complying with its existing obligations under the Australian Consumer Law.

    • There's also component pricing rules, if there's no way for you to pay without incurring the "Internet Handling Fee", then they've probably breached those rules.

  • +3

    You don't have to pay it - just don't buy from that seller. Done.

  • +3

    Companies that charge me fees for them to provide a service and then the fee for the service is my pet peeve.

    Ie. Ticketek - not sure about now since I stopped using them after being charged a ticketing fee.

    • +2

      Ie. Ticketek - not sure about now since I stopped using them after being charged a ticketing fee.

      I complain about Tickettek/TicketMaster's breach of component pricing rules every few months to ACCC … still no action.

  • If you do not pay, who do you think is going to handle the internet?

    • +1

      The IT moles. Once every full moon, drop a bag of Cheetos and cold drip coffee onto the internet box.

  • $5?

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