Copy School Uniform - with Embroidery Logo

Private school uniforms don't come cheap.. :(

Does anyone know where I could possibly get uniforms copied with an embroidered logo and made ? Can't imagine a white collar button up shirt with front pocket could cost that much


  • +17

    I mean, if you can afford private schooling you can surely afford the uniforms. Even if you do manage do get them copied, somebody will notice and the school will likely force you to purchase the real deal.

  • +2

    Unethical life tip: Lost property bin if times are tough.

    • +2

      That's how my kids can never recover the stuff they lost at school, even with their names written in big letters :(

      • Yep. When looking for my kids clothes I often pickup clothing that has had the label cut off. Pretty shameful.

        • Yes I went looking through the lost property box and was staggered that half the cloths had had the tags cut off .

  • +7

    Most private schools have a second hand uniform shop (or look on Facebook). E.g. at my kids school a second hand blazer is $40 vs nearly $300 new. Kids seem to prefer the vintage feel too.

    As poster above indicates- make sure labels are stuck on hard.

    • I think almost all schools have this available. The school I worked with has this available as an option. There would also be plenty of families that have kids that have grown out of old clothes.

    • +1

      $300 blazer, is it from Gucci?

      • +2

        Gucci blazer is thousands. The school ones are Permapleat.

  • +3

    This is a bad idea. No copy will be perfectly correct and your kid will get teased for this.

    • that's for another post another day

      • I speak from experience

        • Did you actually get it copied ? It's just plain white shirt and a fairly unsophisticated embroidered logo on the front pocket

    • When I was in school my parents had my school uniform tailored overseas and it felt better and was much cheaper than buying it brand new. Granted I did use the logos from my old clothes..

  • +1

    Unfortunately it's not just private schools with the pricey uniforms. I couldn't believe the prices when my son started at the local public high school (with extremely strict dress code). I can't even imagine how much private school uniforms are compared to ours!
    Number 2 son (16) has grown into a giant and I always dread trying his uniform before the start of the school year - often he's outgrown everything (even though I tend to buy larger).

    And don't get me started on school shoes.

    Agree maybe try the second hand uniform shop - though things like shirts and sports shirts I would imagine you would want new - especially if the shirts are white like ours.

  • Thanks all ! There are 2nd hand uniforms pop up shops but it's pretty much grab and pray that it's a frenzy to get the right sizes

  • Meanwhile, in public schools teachers funding equipment from own pockets…

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