[ABC] Parking Sign Quiz

Since parking fines are popular topic here I thought people would be interested in this.

Of course I expect all OzBargainers to get perfect marks, if not it clearly was someone else's fault.

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ABC - Australian Broadcasting Corporation
ABC - Australian Broadcasting Corporation


  • +11

    The amount of time required to decipher these signs is unreasonable.

  • +2

    I got perfect marks but man I would love to see how long I took. The new style is significantly easier to understand.

  • +1

    That was fun. Got some wrong.

  • +4

    The biggest issue is that you need to decipher them while you're in your car. People end up stopping in front of these signs and block the road while they work out whether or not they can park. You can't interpret these signs at a distance and certainly not while moving.

    They all need a complete rethink.

  • +2

    Done it. 100% correct! They are stupid signs though. And I have no doubt that they are set up like this with the intention of confusing people.

  • Hmm I got the new style wrong. Didn't see it says "meter". The original sign says meter in much bigger letters.

  • I got all right as well and yes, the new sign took some time to understand. I reckon that old sign was much easier to read.

  • +1

    100% - but yes, the new signs are much easier to understand.

  • I like the new design, but would prefer the left <- to be above the -> as nearly everything we do in a Western context is left-to-right.
    Not a deal breaker though.

    • everything we do in a Western context is left-to-right

      Some are looking to change this IYKWIM.

  • +1

    Easy. Final score 9 / 9 … (or 100%) which is 32% better than average.

    Granted, I have a lot of experience reading OzBargain posts on street signs, which would possibly classify me as being a professional.

    Anyone else read street signs like an if statement?

    • MS Paint diagram required.

    • +2

      Yep, a bit like a VTOC/flowchart. But one that usually has the overriding condition on top.

  • +2

    For most ppl like us here, we would get it after thinking about it for a bit. But it's unfair for others who are from interstate, overseas or ppl who find it harder to solve these problems.

    • +1

      Or people who are driving and blocking traffic while mentally deciphering these signs.

  • This shit is why I don't go near the city, or if I HAVE to, park in paid car parks.

  • I got most of 90% right misread the works zone one but the brisbane one confused the hell out of me it is not a valid swap it would confunse the hell out of visitors

    • +1

      It's not a swap - in Brisbane, they've got both signs. You can see the top of the 'new' style sign below the original one in the second Brisbane photo. Best of both worlds!

  • +2

    Those signs are ridiculous. I’m lucky I live in an area that has very title in the way of Parkin signag, usually just the one per zone because I got most of them wrong.

  • I got the second question wrong because I didn't take into account the 5 hours of parking. So I put you can park in both & it tells me no, because on the right is a no stopping zone. That's actually incorrect because it's a Sunday. Just shows the difficulty of deciphering the signs when they get it wrong themselves!

  • +1

    Fairly Simple

    Can be summarised as


  • LOL I was getting them all correct, but stopped after four because I'm hungry and gonna grab food (and then I needta go cast a vote). However, I hope they keep signs as confusing as possible - it's so hard to park in Sydney and if these signs scare people away who don't wanna be fined, there are hopefully more spots for myself :D

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