Recommend a Good Popcorn Maker Please

Can anyone recommend a good pop corn machine that makes nice crunchy pop corn?

We've had a cheapy from Kmart before, but unfortunately the pop corn just wasn't that nice. It always came out kind of soft, not crunchy like what you'd get from the cinema or pre-packaged, almost like it was stale if you you know what I mean?

Thanks, I look forward to all of your suggestions.


  • +1

    Cook loose kernels in brown paper bag in the microwave.…

    • +1

      Or an oven bag (clear).

      1/4 cup of kernels in the centre, with the neck of the bag loosely tied so that the steam can escape, couple of minutes in the microwave.

      But it sounds like OP might want the taste of cinema popcorn, which to be authentic unfortunately means cooking the popcorn with a lot of oil, butter and salt.

      (Just make sure you have a health fund that covers obesity and heart disease.)

      • Modern cinema popcorn usually contains no butter. Check the ingredients on their websites.

  • +2

    Did you try adding melted butter?
    That makes all the difference.

  • IME if you want crunchy then frying is the best option. I use sunflower oil adding plenty of salt while it's popping. I often also add nooch for a bit of savoury flavour.

  • +7

    Just use plain kernels in a saucepan on the stove top. Cheaper than buying a popcorn maker and no need to find the room in your kitchen to store it.

    Make sure you have a large saucepan with a tight fitting lid. Melt a little butter if you want but it's not necessary. Shake the pan around to keep the kernels from burning on one side - remove from the heat when you hear that the popping has stopped. It only takes a few minutes and it's cheap! Season with whatever flavouring you prefer. We used to sprinkle with cinnamon and icing sugar.

  • My spongebob one works alright

  • +1

    Look into something called Flavacol. I haven't used it but heard thats what the cinemas use to give the flavour.

  • Thanks for all the suggestions. I'll try them all out.

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