Order in AliExpress Can't Be Processed Due to Potential Security Reasons

Has anyone experienced order can't be processed in AliExpress after payment was successful?

I placed order for few cables and paid using credit card. The payment was successful but straight after that when I checked the order status it says "Closed". And there is a message saying:

We can't process your order at this time due to potential security reasons. All payments made (except fees and charges made to third parties) will be returned to your account. Please double check if any suspicious activity has occurred and try to place the order again.

Has anyone experienced this? This is the second time happened to me and the first one I got the money refunded and I believe this one will get refunded as well. Just wondering why this happened. Thanks.

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  • Because the seller is dodgy?

  • Contact your bank in a few hours when customer service opens. Might detect it's a dodgy transaction from a Chinese website.

  • i had this happen with a couple of orders where the price was too good.

    dodgy seller.

    post the product link page.

  • Never had this happen and I buy $500 worth of stuff on there

  • Did you use a VPN?

    This also happens to customers where someone with a similar name has been busted for fraud in the past or a high level of disputes.

    Alipay has their proprietary fraud detection system which they use. You can try turn on Verified by Visa or Mastercard Securecode by calling your bank. You'll need to type a pseudo-pin number each time you purchase things online, but you'll be able to get past their security system as they will have more confidence you are the actual cardholder.

    The other option is to send your passport details to Aliexpress support but I don't recommend that. This will be what they will ask you if you do message/email their support line.

    • The other thing I can see from reddit is if you are abusing the new user coupons; it's like a ban.

      It definitely is not because of a dodgy seller as the above comments state.

  • change your credit card or address

  • Uhm … thank you for your feedback guys. Admittedly it's my second AliExpress account :-p … And I don't think the bank denied the transaction … so it must be a ban. I'll try again with my first account.

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