
Hey OzBargainers,

Given the forecast for Sydney over the next week is nothing but rain and the fact that my umbrella decided to flip backwards on me today I'm after a new sturdy one. I've heard there are ones around that don't flip flop around in the wind so I'm after something similar.

I'm looking for a small personal one that can fit into a bag and I'm open to any suggestions. I'm basically after value for money so I don't really have a budget although I'd like to avoid something ridiculous like $100 for a tiny umbrella. Whilst here, are there a tell tale sign of whether umbrellas can sustain harsher winds?

Suggestions anyone (or where to look?)



  • Not sure how strong the winds are at sydney, but the small personal ones at kmart, target do good, they are under $30

  • I don't think Sturdy and cheap belong together in this context if you don't want the umbrella to flip backwards.

    While i haven't bought an umbrella in yonks, you'll prob need to stick to a better brand like "Shelta" umbrellas (big w, myer, djs, luggage places). They have Micro sizes, but i think it's good to see it IRL. Quick Google search shows this brand should range around $20-$50 mark

    I've bought cheap umbrellas when i was overseas and you can really feel the difference. Was even tempted to get the $2.80 ones at Daiso when we were in melb but those would have been useless in this kinda weather.

    Just my 2c

    • Notice I didn't mention the word cheap ;). Ideally I just want one that is strong and I'm willing to pay for it if people think it's well worth it (I know nothing about umbrellas).

      I will take a look into the Shelta ones and see if I can find others in department stores. Also BigW and Kmart surely not?

  • One of these?

    • I took a look into those umbrellas however they don't mention anything about not flipping backwards/wind resistant. Are they known generally to be Wind Resistant? I did notice they were all automatic however I can't grasp a link between being automatic and wind resistance.

      • you're right: automatic = open/close, vented canopy = wind resistant :)

        • Should've mentioned - I was looking at the two umbrellas at Peters of Kensington from the Whirlpool thread. They don't mention anything about Wind Resistance or Vented Canopies?

        • no, neither of those two do, but clifton makes other umbrellas with vented canopies which peter's should/might have

  • I bought one that is like a black golf umbrella from the Reject Shop for $5. The first one's fabric was sliced with a carton cutter, but I took it back and they exchanged it.

    The next one worked OK the first few times. But this morning I was rushing and ran to the car, quickly folded it, hoiked it in and jumped in.

    The realised that I sat on it and kinked the main chrome pole near the handle. There is no strength now, so it's all floppy! Plus I've wasted my $6 investment :-(

  • Bring back the raincoat with gumboot combo

  • I use one of these -…

    It is compact and stronger than other small umbrellas I have used. A very strong gust can still flip it backwards but you just press the button on the handle to reset it.

    • +1 for the Korjo Travle Umbrella from officeworks. I asked a similar question a while ago:

      Both my wife and I have one, and no problems. Also nice and cheap. Only downside is they are slightly larger than other compact umbrellas. But I recon a good investment

    • Wow, way to steal my thunder ;)

  • i saw some umbrella for $10 at wollies

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