OpenToonz (Animation Program Used by Studio Ghibli), GTS, Effects - Free & Open Source

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This is software for producing a 2D animation.
It is based on the software "Toonz", which was developed by Digital Video S.p.A. in Italy, customized by Studio Ghibli, and has been used for creating its works for many years. Dwango launches this OpenToonz project, in cooperation with Digital Video and Studio Ghibli.
This software can be used by anyone free of charge, no matter whether the purpose of use is commercial or not.
This is available as an open source, so that users can modify its source code freely.

By using the plug-in effect SDK, the effects developed by Dwango's machine leaning research and development team are released. They include the effect of automatically changing picture styles by applying the deep learning technology and the effect of producing affected incident light like those in classic works before the digitization of the production environment.

Sequence number scanning can be conducted efficiently according to in-between animation numbers.
Compatible with 4 types of scanning.
(black-and-white, colored, with or without binarization)
The settings for scanning can be saved. Processes can be reproduced when some cuts are rescanned.
Compatible with the TWAIN standards

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