Uber Eats Code Tip

Start from 1EATS and go upwards, i hit one and my account never gets targeted codes. It was 30EATS which is 30% off

actually i don't know if that code will really work since it says its from PERU but you might get one that will work

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  • +1

    That was the first code I tried (30eats) and I got the same offer as you (30% off and from Peru).

    If it works maybe it could be a deal because the targeted codes never work for me either.

    • Doesn't work lol I just tried it

    • The code adds the promo to your account but won't work against any order placed unless you're in Peru unfortunately.

  • +1

    Worked for me. I don't normally get many promos the days on Uber Eats as i complain id the food is cold. I have one of those laser temp readers (from an ozbargain post) and take a camera pic of the food and the low temp. Pretty much 100% rate of getting either full refund or partial coupon.

      • What temp should food be delivered at?

        How do they know that you haven't let it sit on the bench for 10 minutes?

        • Dunno. I check it as soon as it arrives. They know when it arrives and when I log the complaint. They used to out stuff in heat bags but now they just leave them in paper bags to go cold….

          I hadn't thought of the bun bit. Should just do the chips and burger party i guess.

          • @thatonethere: If you dunno what temp it should be, why are you logging a complaint?

            • @serpserpserp: I said it seemed cold and gave them a temperature as a pic. Apart from refunding me they don't say I am wrong or point to some minimum temperature.

              • @thatonethere: Alright, I am buying one of those things and doing it for all food couriers now. I often find the food is cold and have to reheat on arrival anyway.

      • Shining it on the burger bun itself is a bit silly…

  • +3

    Peru one worked for me but nothing since then. I am at 1347EATS, when should I stop?

  • Tried it and it applied, but when checking out it doesn't work. When you add a new code in it says it's already been applied.

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