Wi-Fi Connecting Traeger Grills Barbecue to App

I purchased a Traeger Grills barbecue that is Wi-Fi connected to an App on my phone.I am having trouble connecting ,having gone through the actions it comes up "Your phone was not able to connect to grill"
Has anyone had any experience with this.
My Grill name is 'Ironwood 885'


  • Have you disconnected from your house Wi-Fi first?
    Haven’t got a tragear but I’ve got a GMG and sometimes you need to do a hard reset to reboot the grills Wi-Fi

  • It has to connect through the house wi-fi. When I put my house Wi-Fi PW in it tries to connect but says it cant find it?

  • It only connects to 2.4ghz wifi. If you have 5ghz and 2.4ghz on the same ssid you will need to rename one of the frequencies.

    What I do at home is put all the guest users and Chinese things like smartplugs etc on segregated 2.4ghz network.

  • Thank you.
    I dont know if my 2.4ghz & 5GHZ is on same ssid. will have to get help locally on this (Tas)
    My Unit is HNG Model TG799

  • Did you get it to work?
    On my gmg
    You disconnect your phone from you home wifi
    Then search for the Wi-Fi signal of the grill and connect to that.
    Once you’ve done that you enter in your home Wi-Fi password into the app and connect the grill to server mode. This then disconnects your phone from the grill.
    You then connect your phone back to the home wifi and controll gril thru that via the server.

    Probably completely different to tragear, but had me stumped at first

  • Thank you Stewardo
    No does not work.
    I think there is something wrong with Traeger Wi-Fi . I tried your suggestions but it come up 'That internet may not be available' Then connect to another net works.
    When I reconnected my phone it connected straight away. I have no trouble with my computer & printer.I have looked up reviews and so many have the same trouble as I am having.
    Treger (AUST)& (USA) have tried to help me but all failed.
    I have paid extra for something that does not work. I can do it manually but the advantage of the App was appealing.!

  • I also had a computer tech to my home and he is of the same opinion that there is something wrong with Wi-FI -(Traeger)

  • That sucks hopefully they will update the firmware and fixit soon. Might have to go manual for a while.


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