Can I post a deal?

I just join this forum, and there is no reputation for me.
So can I post a deal?

If not, How long can I post a deal.

Wish experienced people to answer my question.
Thanks in advance.


  • +1

    I believe you can post a deal whenever..
    However, ensure it is a proper deal. The community is very quick to ban new members who post deals that are considered SPAM or Advertising.

    • Thanks for your reply.

    • +1

      And we seek and destroy via killer labradors, with laser beams.

  • I'm pretty sure you can't post the first day you make your account but are unrestricted after that. could be wrong but…

    • Thank you, I do appreciate.

      • Please advise the site you wish to post the deal from. Otherwise you cannot post

  • had the same question but still not sure when.

  • What is the site you wish to post a deal from?

  • +1

    My killer labrador is sharpening her teeth in anticipation………………….Fungi79-I didn't know about the laser beam option-does it cost much more? Is there a deal coming up?

    • +1

      And is it safe? I want my laser beam weapons to be lab-tested…

      • +2

        how did you get the laser through customs?

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