Best Christmas Casual Jobs

For those who have worked or know of others who have worked a seasonal casual job around Christmas - what has been the best and/or worst place?

Just an edit - not necessarily because I am looking currently. This is a genuine question of your experiences.


  • Best what, and worst what? Conditions? Pay? Hours? Future opportunities?

    • +2

      However way you'd like to answer but generally I was thinking conditions and pay. Future opportunities don't really matter with seasonal work.

      • Presuming you aren’t interested in continuing employment. Xmas is a great time to get a foot in the door at many places.

      • +1

        I've heard Auspost pay very, very well for what it is. Conditions are average. 0% chance of being kept on after the peak period.

        Kmart, BigW etc pay is standard, lots of competition.

  • +5

    Best - strip club
    Worst - maccas

    • +3

      From your experience as a customer or an employee?

  • +18

    I knew a guy who did a stint as Santa at a shopping mall.

    You see, his son got a tattoo that was soon thereafter removed for a small fortune. He was expecting that his Christmas bonus at work would cover the cost of the procedure, but his mean-spirited boss just offered a "Merry Christmas" instead of money. Damn billionaires!

    Anyway, being strapped for cash and needing to make money fast, he heard from his drunk friend that dressing up as Santa at the shopping mall was an easy way to make some cash. It was a bit embarrassing, so he didn't tell his family. Things were going well for him, until his son decided to play a prank on Santa. The father got a bit nervous when he saw his son approach and hoped that his son wouldn't recognise him. No luck though, as his son ripped away Santa's beard to expose his father's face. Instead of the usual throat throttling the father was famous for, he explained to his son that he took up the job to provide for his family.

    When the father went in to collect his pay from his casual job, he received much less than expected and he thought Christmas was ruined. As chance would have it, he ran into his drunk friend again who informed him that he should bet all his money at the local greyhound track (think of them as little horses). You'd think that betting all one's money on Santa's Little Helper would be a sure thing, but the greyhound finished last and all hope seemed lost. However, this is one lucky guy we're talking about, because he happened to be nearby when the greyhound's owner disowned him and the dog ran into the father's embrace. That dog became the family's best Christmas present ever.

    Good times.

    • +5


      • +7

        A deer.

        • +2

          A female deer?


  • +1

    Aus post

    • +1

      You basically get to play Santa, except instead of delivering presents you just dump them at the depot and deliver "sorry we missed you" cards.

  • +2

    Best Christmas casual job is the one that will take you. Every uni student is thinking the same thing, so it's not like there's a bounty of jobs for you to pick and choose.

    • Not a uni student and not necessarily looking. Was curious to know from previous experiences.

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