Do I Have to Charge GST on My eBay Sales if My ABN Has GST Registered?

My personal ABN Has GST Registered,
so I guess no matter what stuff I sell on eBay/Amazon,
I'll need to charge the GST to the customer, or consider the sale price has the GST included?
Even it's not working for parts stuff and only sell one item a month?



  • -1

    Are you selling them as part of your business or just a personal thing? If former, yes you'll need to charge and pay GST

    • Correct me if I'm wrong.

      You register for gst if your sales exceed $75,000. So I'm assuming selling on ebay isn't your business? If it's private selling, you don't have too.

      • -1

        I already got GST registered for my ABN.

      • Correct me if I'm wrong.


        You register for gst if your sales exceed $75,000

        Its mandatory if you're sales are over $75,000 and optional under. If you do Uber, then its mandatory regardless of sales also.

        If it's private selling, you don't have too.

        If the seller has given ebay their ABN, then its not a private sale.

  • Thanks I got it.

    So it's not my main business, just a personal causal selling for some old computers parts, my old phone etc, then it's not considered as my business under that ABN.

    • Have you given ebay your ABN, if so, all sales are treated as having GST on them in the gov eyes.

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