Rubbish Composter - Any Recommendations?

my girlfriend is into gardening now and she asked me to get a rubbish composter for her plants. So, Can you please recommend me a rubbish composter that is suitable to use in an apartment? we have a little concrete front yard but not garden. budget could go up to 100 dollars i am thinking.

I am in Canberra by the way, but happy to order online too.


  • +1

    Aldi usually sells the tumbler composter. It isn't large & you are able to spin it so it should be good for your area.

    Check out bunnings as well. They have a good range, the majority will be too large for your area. They also sell the compost bins that stand up which may not be ideal for you.

  • +2

    Are you talking about a composter for your household rubbish - or for garden waste?
    Might want to look at Bokashi composting.

    • I think food waste to compost but to use in the garden after composting. Not sure if this makes sense.

  • just read the budget component after posting.

    I'm looking at the Joraform composter ~$800 for 270L capacity.

    There is a half capacity version for $500.

    Main reasons why I'm contemplating something 4x the price of Bunnings is:
    1. Steel construction. I intend to leave it very exposed. If it is kept sheltered… Vermin.
    2. Raised. Vermin
    3. Sturdy axles. The cheap ones doesn't really have bushings/bearings. It's closer to a staked barrel.

    Also, it has detailed and longitudinal reviews.

    For $100, Bokashi as per blaircam. It's the most fun but won't do large volume.

    • +2

      I have a Bokashi bin, the issue is you need to bury the waste for a couple of weeks before it turns into composted mix for the garden.

      I also live in an apartment and use my Bokashi bin to divert organic waste from landfill. I don't have much of a use for the fermenter product so I drop it off at a local Community Garden

      • Amazing how you guys do that in an apartment. I did a short stint in one and the mess is so hard to control. Looked like a pigsty in no time.

        • In a bucket with a lid under the sink. It isn't messy for me, you need to drain out the liquid and dispose of that regularly

    • Woah, checking out Joraform products. Check this one out, might get one for my compound.

  • May not be entirely suitable for an apartment, but maybe get in touch with this person

    • Why would OP want a dead goat?

  • Not sure about Canberra, but in Sydney there are some councils who every now and then run composting workshops and afterwards give you a voucher for half price compost bin

    Maybe worthwhile checking your local council (website) to see if they offer that

  • +1

    What about a good composter?

  • Nope, the OP wants one that is absolute trash.

  • +1

    Bokashi Bin and a worm farm

    Try Compost Revolution as your local council might subsidise them.

    The Compost Revolution worm farms are small. Possibly too small as we run 2 of them at my GFs and I still take stuff to my place for my Tumbleweed Worm Cafe which is a great worm farm.

  • girlfriend is into gardening now

    we have a little concrete front yard but not garden.

    Anyone else a little confused?

    • sorry she is into concrete frontyarding.

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