Snorkel set and fin?


Does anyone know where I can find a cheap snorkel set + flippers? The cost of the snorkel hire on this cruise I'm going on is $50 and I'm wondering if I can find it cheaper anywhere else in Sydney.



  • Rebel Sports.

    $50 should get you a cheapish but usable mask/snorkel. Fins might be $50+ again.

  • I got a cheap mask, snorkel, flippers set for ~$30 in Target about three years ago. The quality is quite good - no complaints and I've since used them in the Great Barrier Reef, Vanuatu and Exmouth on three separate trips so the rubber seals around the mask seem to be holding strong (which was my main concern when I bought - I thought they might deteriorate quickly compared to a more expensive package).

  • At the moment I have tried Kmart and Target with no success. Rebel sports have these, but the cheapest I can get it for is $35 for the snorkel and $35 for the fin, making rental cheaper. I will try and look again today though. Thanks for all the responses so far!

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