New Motherboard for Ryzen 5 2600

hi, i did some dust cleaning today, took the gpu and power supply out to give a good wipe, wiped the cpu fan, never even touched the motherboard. magically it still broke, no video no matter what i did. i need a new motherboard for a r5 2600 since my old i5 2500k uses 1155 socket and its no longer in production, will power supplies work for all motherboards still? my power is corsair tx 650 bought in 2011, hdd and dvd use sata, 2 4gb 1600 ddr3 memory from 2011, will all modern motherboards be compatible with the power/ram/hdd? just looking for a cheap board any recommendations?


  • r5 2600 + new mobo + ddr4 rams

    asrock b450m pro4-f , is the cheapest b450 board with heatsinks on both SoC and CPU VRMs…

    ram deals below, any will do

    • does my psu fit it? its a corsair tx 650 from 2011

      • yeah, no problem , PSU never changed since 2000 era

        make sure it's not your PSU that fails

        • no display, fans turn on so pretty sure psu is ok. error code says a memory related problem but i tried resitting memory in all slots still black screen. just phucking amazing i didn't even phucking touch the motherboard, cleaned everything else. sh1t happens.

          • @Gerry H: you already tried one stick on all 4 slots and repeat the same for the other stick

            if that fails, then should be motherboard dead

            if not caused by static , then could be on its way failing , see any capacitors bloated

            or try gpu on friends pc , just to be sure that's not it

            • @dcep: pretty sure its dead lol, magic do happen

              was hoping for rtx 3080 ti ryzen 4th gen to upgrade to a beast 4k ultra. so just want something cheap right now lol.

            • @dcep: i looked at the 3600, do they require the new expensive mbs? does the one u mentioned work for 3600?

              • @Gerry H: it'll support it with new bios update

                if it's not new stock, then it'll need bios update

                you can ask MSY do it for $10 when you buy it from them in-store

                • @dcep: got a 2600 anyway, the 3600 was $295 minimum and $172 for 2600, couldnt justify the price difference for 25% average performance and i only got a 1070 @ 1440p so will probably bottleneck the 3600 anyway. just a temp replacement for next gen 4k pc.

    • 3600 does not require x570, it runs on most mobo's like b350, or b450 or x370/470. just need a bios update (for that you will need a ryzen 1 or 2 chip or a store might do it for you. msi b450 max series (mortar, gaming plus, tomahawk) support 3600 out of the box. the rest will need bios update (you should update bios regardless on 3600).

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