Revoking Your Votes

People make mistakes. !@#$ happens. Don't you like the idea that you can take back the vote because you made a boo boo? No I am not talking about the last federal election, and we'll be stuck with this one for the next 3-4 years at least. I am talking about the votes against the bargains posted on OzBargain. Does the following apply to you?

  • Voted +1 but later on find out there's a huge hidden cost.
  • Voted -1 but realise you did not real the fine prints.
  • Wanted to vote +1 or -1, but your fat finger slipped on the greasy mouse (result of having too much cheap Domino's), and voted the wrong one!

The good news is — you can now revoke your votes so you don't have to embarrass yourself! To revoke the vote that you just did:

  1. Go to the "votes" page of that deal
  2. Next to your vote there should be a revocation button
  3. Click on that, and see your vote disappears

Well. Not quite. Your vote does not disappear but it gets a value of 0 so you are not voting for nor voting against this deal. This also prevents you from voting again — sorry everyone gets only one chance.

There is also a limit on how late you can revoke your votes. Currently it is set to 12 hours, so you won't be able to revoke your votes after 12 hours and this is done to prevent people go back to deals that are months old and mess up with the votes there. Moderators should have no limitation on time so do contact a mod if you really want to have your vote revoked after 12 hours.

Edit: It has now been extended to 72 hours.


  • This is excellent one, thanks Scott. I just noticed this feature and thought of posing a new forum entry - but realised you informed already here.

  • Good work scotty!

  • Excellent feature, scotty. However may I suggest increasing the time limit to somewhere between 24-72 hours? It often takes more than 12 hours for hidden negative (or positive) aspects of a deal to come to light (for example), and people may also need more time if they aren't able to access OzBargain frequently throughout the day.

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