Tile Vs Nuttag? Which One to Get

Morning legends. I'm looking at getting some finder trackers for my mum who's getting on a bit. She's fairly savvy with an iPhone just keeps losing things around the house. What is your experience with these trackers? Any that you recommend?


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    I have some Tiles but they're the only ones I've used so can't offer a real comparison. I will say they do work and I got them for the same reason, parents leaving their keys laying about and not being able to find them.

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    I’ve got a Nuttag to help track my car keys because it was cheap and it works as intended. Depends how deep your pockets are for this sort of thing I suppose.

  • We are a Tile family - car keys, wallets / handbags.

    Very happy with them. Easy to hear, simple to setup, and you can even share them so you could search from your phone as well as your mum's if you want.

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    What sorts of things will you be trying to tag?

    For anyone with an Orbitkey key holder, the new Orbitkey x Chipolo tracker seems to work well (after a couple of weeks' use, my wife has used it about 5,394 times to find her keys (via phone) and her phone (via tracker). Chose this one because it fits neatly into the Orbitkey holder.

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    They're not really advertised for tracking people, more keys and dogs, but I've found the new Locator offering from Telstra very decent for keeping my keys/wallet/laptop bag from being lost.

    Think they use a lot of their payphone boxes and routers to help track, so I've found few areas without some kind of coverage, can see in the app when it finds you. Seems to basically be a clone of Tiles but with actual infrastructure on top of the community tracking.

    Advertised as only $10 for 3 tags and a month's subscription, and then $10 a month afterwards if you want to keep using them. I bought them thinking if it was crap then I was only out $10, ended up just keeping it going after finding it useful, which I guess is how they get you.

    Would definitely recommend

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    Now that batteries can be replaced in the Tile, definitely worthwhile getting one. I bought the previous gen and can’t say I was happy to get a notification to say it’s time to buy a new one when I opened the app to try and find my keys.

  • Thanks team. I decided to go with this one:


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