TIL: Costco Is Closed on Boxing Day Only in NSW

I thought Costco religiously closed on all public holidays because that was their "thing" - abiding by all gazetted days off.

Saw a post today about a Costco deal and wondered whether it was from today or not - turns out it may well have been but not by someone from NSW.

So I looked at Store Details for all Costco locations and, shock horror, only NSW is closed on Boxing Day.

Wondering what would be the reason behind this.

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  • +3

    Could be unprofitable due to penalty rates and/or less customers due to ppl going to major shopping centers.

  • Only NSW celebrates boxing day.

    • +1

      Yep, other states use knives and guns after christmas as boxing ia too tiresome

  • I went to the aurburn on on christmas eve, all the fresh meat and vegetables and bread/cakes where GONE. shelves emptied. i doubt they are gonna restock on xmas day so probably no point opening on boxing day

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