When Did Telstra Become So Bad?

I have been trying to get mobile broadband setup with Telstra for 2 weeks now.

And I have come to realise that Telstra is the worst telco i have ever had to deal with. From purchasing and customer support, to the service provided. The last time i dealt with them was maybe 15 years ago.

I find it hard to believe that I can be the only one experiencing this, or am I?
Are they really this bad? And what happened to them?

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    • Outsourced call centres are contracted by different companies - agents must follow a predetermined if-then flow chart from which they must never deviate.

  • I am Self Employed in the IT industry.
    With what I have seen over many years is telstra Getting worse and worse all the time.
    Have a majority of my clients with them because that's all they know with Their Internet and phone but have converted many many of my clients to other providers over the years.
    I feel bad to charge my clients for my time when its more often a telstra Issue.
    Clients more than happy to pay me to sort out their issues as they don't want to talk to telstra or "Cant Understand them" etc.
    Their entire system is crap, For a Client the other day over an Hour and a half, spoke to 3 People and elevated to higher levels then to be told its most likely a faulty "New Modem" So they sent a new one out.
    I told my client it wont be the modem and I was right, another 45 Minutes on phone to be told to go through the same process of resetting the modem etc again even tho I asked many times to be elevated to higher levels..
    Eventually they said they will have to send a technician to check exchange and lines…
    Meanwhile my 80 Year old Client who just lost her husband has no internet to keep in touch with her family over Christmas / new years….

  • I'm in the same boat. Everyone that I talk to thinks Telstra are the bees knees but at my location they are the worst provider…. on par with voda.
    My optus services haven't faulted and I've been with then for a number of years where as all my work provides Telstra and everything is crap.

  • +1

    In case haven't written a formal complaint, it's time:


    It was very effective for my situation.

    People usually complain using the wrong channels, that's why most problems in the world are not solved.

  • Hmm! I only have an iPad plan with them and havent had an issue yet with regards to service. Had terrible reception at the client I used to work which is in Melb CBD, after enquiring about it they said works are in place to upgrade the broadband.
    Their support app and website is a joke however.

  • Have dealt with Telstra, Optus, Iinet and Tpg over the last few years and all have had their issues with Tpg being the most useless.
    Only provider I haven't had an issue with is Aussie BB. The other companies don't need to lift their game as people either tend to go with the cheapest and put up with the service or complain about customer service but stick with the same provider.

  • Having worked for Telstra in the past as well as other telcos, most problems with accounts etc were because customers don't read up on their plans and packages. More than 90% of the time, excess charges etc were due to customers over using or something similar. Also, the biggest issue is the NBN. Often appointments etc made by Telstra with NBN for customers are not honoured nor does the NBN Co communicate with Telstra effectively about issues. This is prevalent across all ISPs and was less of an issue when Telstra owned the infrastructure.

  • yes its really that bad, the worst Australian based company i have ever dealt with.. i am surprised they can still operate

    1. where do i start, the phone system requires you to say yes or no or in a few words instead of the simple tried and tested press 1 or 2 to get here or there, i find the number pressing of optus is wayyyyy smoother.

    2. the customer service team members (india) are absolutely horrendous, compared to optus, optus are also indian support teams, but their quality of service in the way they talk and solve the problem is extremely well and night and day compared to telstra, i think telstra just has a shittier training or just hired anyone, the quality of the service compared to optus is like dealing with a Indian phone scammer cell vs a professional customer support service. their level of English is way inferior to optus team as well

    3. some of the telstra customer support team (if you call them while you are frustrated) they will try to hang up or transfer the call to random people, i have not experienced that with optus when calling frustrated and angry about an issue. while it took 4 full weeks for them to set up my nbn i had alot of issues so i called customer service at one point i was talking to the telstra support team asking why its taking so long way longer than what they initially promised, he started acting like he was not hearing what i was saying, and he kept repeating hello sir we cant hear you im gonna hang up if you dont talk, while i kept saying hello im here i can hear you he kept repeating the same bullshit like sir im gonna have to end this call if you dont talk, than i remembered a indian swear word i had heard before which i said out loud, that one he could hear very loud and clear at that point he said oh we dont tolerate these actions, than i said well now you can hear you idiot are you playing games with me, do your damn job instead of playing games.. it took another week to set everything up, this is the nbn problem, the phone plan problem is another story for another day.

  • Sad how some small brainers blame a political party for the OP's issue. Most countries worldwide have embarked to split their clumsy post master general honeypots into vivid private competition. So you got choice you have not had before and complain about the choice? Ever thought of people living remote and still do not have a choice?

    5g is not the only step in a fast changing world. There will be action and reaction. In my area they first tried to force fibre onto the pensioners in aged homes. So before they could pick up a handset and dial. Then they got heaps of plastic boxes with heaps of plug packs and flickering led's. Power outage proof? Yep another plastic box onto the wall with maintenance requirement for regular battery changes? If it only would be simple. Then they call it work creation?

    So take a pick: Hell$tra Optopuss or Vodafail call them what you want but between them one will likely work…

  • When were they ever any good? Telecom/Tel$tra have always been scum bags for as long as I can remember.

  • I had very bad latest experience. If my issue is not resolved timely, will never touch them again

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