At what quantity does getting freebies become greedy? Or wrong?

I think I am tired.
but how many freebies are too many freebies?
or is that just foolish talk?
is there a boundary?
when is it OK to go hell for leather on freebies?
when are you composed and limit yourself to freebies?
where's the line for you?


  • +1

    comes down to how badly i need it but your boundary could be me calling you a big greedy douche and you might be fine with that because you might not have a boundary :P

    Personally, I dont go for every freebie just because IT's THERE. There will always be those who will capitalise on it. E.g when I was at the photo exhibition about two months ago, I saw a dude just empty out a whole bowl full of these lanyards… I call that greedy!

    But generally if its free,I take the notion that if you're interested lets others take advantage of it too because I shouldn't just take a huge amount for the sake of it but that's me and I prefer it that way. you'll just end up hoarding a lot of crap if you don't use it.

  • +1

    cool. lanyards -how many do you need?how many can you sell on ebay? how much effort to sell on ebay?

    ok - so usefullness is a factor.

  • +1

    In my opinion, as long as you have a use for the # of freebies you take (e.g. personal use, x'mas stocking fillers, presents, etc), then I don't see any harm done. What I can't stand is hoarders taking everything, with nothing left for others that may actually find them useful.

  • Depends on the freebie and the value, those lanyards aren't cheap by any means!

    Though, I don't mind if you take a couple to distribute to friends. Really comes down to the circumstances

  • A whole bowl of lanyards?? … freakin stupid and greedy, one or two is fine.

    You see it a lot, even with online freebies, people boasting that they found a way to get 50 of whatever… sooo whattt??

    Some people just don't give a damn about other people missing out. Feral morons.

  • I guess there are no boundries in Asia when it comes to freebies. I have seen it on several occasions with FREE food, people turn into vultures. They also deliberately walk pass a store giving out freebies quite a number of times just to get free stuff.

  • It depends how many are available too, taking the whole bowl of lanyards is greedy because it leaves none for everyone else. But if there were 50 bowls of lanyards around the place, then it's not as bad.

    If you're depriving others of the freebie, you've crossed the line.

  • +1

    I think you also cross the line if you try to SELL the freebie.

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