NSW Mobile Phone Detection Cameras Now Live

I am sure all OzBs do the right thing on the road nonetheless there is the occasional disableduser9876 that might benefit from the below information.

In NSW, from 1 March 2020 mobile phone detection cameras are enforcing illegal use of mobile phones while driving or riding. The penalty for offending drivers is five demerit points and a $344 fine ($457 in a school zone). The penalty increases to 10 demerit points during double-demerit periods.


  • Is replying to forum posts considered an illegal use of a mobile phone whilst driving?

    • +2

      No. It is the only excuse that is accepted by the review panel. Updating fellow road users of camera location is a PSA


  • Are the detection cameras fixed or like the mobile speed cameras, the location can be moved? The only fixed camera I know of is on the M4 motorway near the prospect exit.

  • +4

    $344 Fine

    Should post it up as a bargain. It's $1000 fine here in QLD now.

    • gooddealmate

    • Next year it'll be $5,000 and a year in prison. I also believe they'll bring back the death penalty for it by 2030.

      Seriously, I get mobile phone use while driving is dangerous, but I feel like we're already past the point of dettering it with punishment. We've been punishing speeding for decades and it still happens. We need a better solution instead of just raising the punishment, especially with the ridiculous way these laws are enforced. Eg - doing your makeup or eating while driving is just as dangerous as mobile phone use but you won't even get pulled over for it most of the time.

      • I once saw someone shaving while stopped at the red light. I was surprised and amused as I had never seen this before.

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