Change of Career Following Aged Care Devestation from Covid-19

So, with the creation of the Covid-19 being created by Big AI(future overlord of humanity) to move aged care workers into the IT industry to support the infastructure changeover, should current Aged care workers get a head start on reskilling and enrol in courses now before the rush, or any other changes???

Please advise and discuss.


  • +5

    Need a poll and MS paint diagram.

    • +2

      To save money I went to Linux and skimped out on paint to save on memory allocation. I'm too cheap to use paint it seems.

  • +7

    the creation of the Covid-19 being created by

    Redundancy. Example: they dun created a creation, yo.

    • +5

      Words are free so I like to take advantage of a bargain!

  • +2

    Aged care workers already know how to treat keyboards.

  • +3

    No point. Don't play into these social experiments run by the mice.

  • +1


    • +1


      • Listn, lettrs r expensive, wrds r free! its hard!

  • Good school/uni project.

  • +2

    Its obvious, aged care workers get transferred to the governments new catch and detain crew, rounding up coronaviris patients and taking them to a camp.

    • Where they chained up and forced to code?

  • +5

    Would be a good time to skill up in harvesting soylent green and transitioning aged care facilities into processing plants

    • ‘Soylent Green! Enjoy that classic taste from the people you’ve never seen!’

  • There are always going to be old people that need looking after.

    • +3

      of this new virus becomes seasonal like everyone is expecting it to be….
      no there wont be.

      • +1

        My conspiracy theory is the virus was designed to wipe out the non-productive, non-tax payers in society, i,e the sick and the old.

      • At what point does someone become 'old' though? Someone will always be older than you or I…

        • about 3 seconds after the first cell division of the zygote!

  • +11

    My god, that is hard to read. I still don’t even know what I am supposed to be reading here…

    • +1

      Clearly because the new industry wants more that it'll be less ability for the older people to be cared. OP simply wonder yet if to begin or later for doing this. Because virus.

      • +11

        Um, yeah, that’s cleared everything up… :/

        • +2

          Glad helping you appreciate thanks :U

  • Mortality of COVID-19 on over 80s is 1/7 .. there would still be plenty for aged care

    • And that's only among the ones who realise they have anything at all. I saw interviews with an older Canadian from the cruise ship who is completely symptomless, just chilling in a hospital feeling fine, testing positive.

      Pretty soon it'll be like hearing that 80% of people have HPV. You either lock yourself up or ignore it and accept that you might already have it because it is unlikely to matter after the hype

  • +1

    I want to know what IVI thinks

    • +1

      Or Pam. I really want to know what Pam's take is on all of this…

      • +1

        Or HardlyCharly. I wonder how many people are the appropriate number of conservatives that "deserve to die."

  • +2

    Do you seriously think all older Australians will be wiped out so you’ll need to change careers? Skip the retraining and check yourself into the asylum tomorrow.

    • While you're likely correct, drawing any conclusions yet is likely to provide plenty of words for later consumption.

    • tsk, the next virus is being made to attack mortar joints and nails to disassemble all asylums!!

  • +1

    I come to Ozbargain for the trolls. Not disappoint.

  • What would an age care person need to know?

    People get sucked into doing expensive and irrelevant TAFE courses, like spreadsheets, CAD, 3D, Rocket Science, when all as they want to do is familiarise themselves with the keyboard.

    Find out what they expect you to know.

  • +1

    Open a funeral home. Deaths on the rise again

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