Yowma - Google for daily deals

Hi guys,

we have launched our project in pretty crowded daily deals aggregators arena.

What we have tried to achieve is to make a service for intentional rather than spontaneous buyers who still love to save good money.

Therefore we programmed such features as:

  • keyword search
  • highly customized alert (you get email notification when the deal you really need appears)
  • dealsmap - to find deals close enough to you to bother

You are welcome to visit our service at http://www.yowma.com.au use it and share feedback.

Thanks for your attention!

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closed Comments

  • Welcome. Good to see you have an RSS although it would be better if there was 1 deal at a time instead of a huge dealspaper amount per post.

  • -2

    Sorry, your website is crap. I do NOT want to see sydney keratin treatments or Brisbane fat cavitation deals for Bribane when I am searching Perth. I also don't want sydney restaurants or melbourne fishing trips. Nor do I want to see meat packs for pick up in Melbourne, over 3000km away. I look at aggregators as ways to save time and not miss deals. If you guys are so slack that you chuck other cities in with Perth, how do I know you aren't throwing Perth deals elesewhere, causing me to miss them? There is no excuse for this. Crap. You should be ashamed. If you are not ready for excellance, don't announce your presence.

    • Thanks for your feedback voteoften.

      It helps us to detect that for some reason Groupon puts all their deals in 'nation-wide' feed, including examples you referred.

    • +2

      voteoften. Although the points you raised are legitimate to a degree I think you should look at the way you express your feedback and criticism. There is no need for such derogatory remarks and use of swear words. If your kids asked you to look at their homework you wouldn't use the same tone and language would you? Sitting behind an internet screen doesn't give you the right to be rude.

      What goes in is what goes out. The feeds provided by the providers caused most of the issues as yowma explained. With hundreds of deals to manage it is natural for an aggregator not to be perfect 100% of the time.

      • -6

        If my daughter's homework was crap, I would tell her so. Literally, I say "this is crap" or this this is unacceptable, depending on how bad it is relative to expectation. She goes to a private school and they teach her that adults can swear and children can not. Just like adults can wear nail polish, makeup and earrings and children can not. I tell her when her work is great too. I express annoyance and frustration when she does not do her best. It is cause and affect. She learns to produce excellence. If you think I am going to handicap my child by telling her "good job" or "it doesn't matter" when she has failed in some way, you are dreaming. We find out where she went wrong and fix it. She would miss a spelling word once a week and I finally told her that just wasn't good enough. She had her answers at the start of the week, there was no reason to get them wrong at the end of the week. Guess what? Perfect ever since. Every time. And she is very happy about that whereas before she wasn't happy about getting one wrong. She knows she can do it whereas before, she did not. She truly knows that what I say is the truth, not a line of BS. That way when she comes to me with a personal issue, she knows that she can trust what I say and that I am not just saying something nice because she is my daughter. As she knows she is unconditionally loved, this is not a problem and she is perhaps the most resilient child in her cohort.

        I think that YOU should look at yourself for bringing children into this issue.

        If aggregators can not get it right, they should not blame another business. Excellence is a personal choice and a personal resposibility.

        • +3

          I think you missed the point of my post completely. The kids comment was not an accusation of bad parenting, it was merely trying to point out etiquette and communication. I could have used any other example where you should show respect when communication (talking to your boss, your family and friends). You've taken it way too personal.

          If you think directing feedback in a very rude and condescending manner is ok to people (who came here with good intentions) then so be it. I'll leave you be to reflect.

        • -3

          I was just on buyii. Perth listings are absolutely riddled with deals from other states. Not just Groupon either.

        • Cool story bro

  • A few deals are in the wrong categories, for example a canvas book is in eating out.

  • yowma ma is so fat.

    not a big fan of these social/coupons/voucher sites (e.g scoopon) but I can see how this site is differentiating itself with a keyword/search to make finding things a lot easier instead of coming up with another spa treatment.

    Is there a way to customise which sites not to look at? I know it limits the search but then again, not a fan of some of the ones your searching on and I can understand if you don't implement it because coming up with nothing wouldn't be great either :P

    • We allow customization by 'sites' at http://www.buyii.com.au

    • Hi punk,

      thanks for your feedback. We will think about filtering by providers. Issue that if you very much like one particular provider it will be probably easier for you just subscribe to it's deals. However with 'dislike' case such filtering makes sense

    • I think filtering by category should be sufficient.. if I am looking for massage deals, I would probably want to see all massage offers to help me making my decision.. so I wouldn't use the keyword search

  • Hi Yowma and congrats on your new site… and take voteoften comments as constructive criticism although he could've delivered them in a nicer way.
    I know how annoying it is when providers send you the wrong deals for the wrong city.. I had similar issues with my site http://restaurantdeals.com.au maybe mine is a bit different as it has to guess whether or not the deal is a dining one…
    I think the biggest challenge for new aggregator sites is getting people to switch to their sites from the one they are already with..

  • Thanks for feedback guys!

    We developed Yowma for more intentional than spontaneous buyers. Those who more or less exactly know what they want and don't have time to browse few dozen deals daily to find one they need.

    • I'm getting wine and weight loss deals when searching for eating out deals in Melbourne (with no keyword).

      Sounds like you have a few bugs to work out but I think your site will be a good addition to the aggregators. Good luck.

      • Thanks arcticmonkey. Yes, I have to admit that our sorting system is not perfect yet, there are some deals that can be put to wrong category.

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