Android App to Calculate Total Holding Costs of a Car - MOTOBUDDY

Hi All,

Long time lurker. First time poster. so please go easy.

I built an app to calculate the total holding cost of a car after accounting for deprecation, interest and fuel cost

Please download, and share. Constructive feedback is appreciated…

Lucky a


  • -1

    God that info looks generic

    If you're not specific on engine choice, etc, how can you possibly get accurate numbers?

    How are you calculating cost of ownership, and servicing etc?

    • Hi Spackbace,
      Depreciation is calculated based on the model number which correspond to engine choices. As per the description at the moment we only calculate depreciation, interest and fuel cost only

      • -1

        Except there's zero information about engine choices.

        I choose RAV4 Cruiser (a car with 3 different engine/drive-train options) - Your table just spits out 2 lines, with 2 difference prices (and goes too wide for the screen, requiring scrolling to the right). No further information on what I'm looking at. You're also estimating the person is paying RRP for the car, which would massively affect cost of ownership.

        Your information is meaningless.

        Don't release shitty apps. Uninstalling.

        • Spaceback*

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