Cheap Vacuum Bot

Looking to get my mom a vacuum bot for her as her backs becoming an issue (save her the hassle of vacuuming)

Looking at around the $400 range, I have tried the Deebot n79t but it keeps getting stuck and doesn't cover the whole kitchen (missing near the prep bench) so I want to get her a smart bot that lets her map where to go.

Any recommendations?


Got some advice from a friend to look at the Roborock s50 and I'm going to go with this, the reviews seems like this is great and with the mopping feature it will do even more to help her.


  • +1

    It's a very good choice! She won't be disappointed. You can set it for scheduled cleaning all she has to do is fill the water tank and attach it and empty the dust bin. From time to time clean the main brush as well. Easy 🙂

  • Eufy 11S or Xiaomi first gen. Both less than $350.

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