Need Help Deciding Which Area to Focus on More with Learning Programming/Developing to Get a Job in The Field in Australia

Current situation:
I have done a Cert IV in Programming which was generalised and included basic Front End such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, then there was SQL using phpMyAdmin and MySql. Finally there is OOP such as C# and Java. Although seemed difficult at the time I realized how much small the things I built was when I look at what should be expected of me when I do any interview challenge I get is(interview challenge being a lot more difficult).

I enjoy all coding but, I like Unity3D RPG game development most but there is a very low demand in that in Australia, after that I like Web Development and general Programming.

So since I finished my Cert IV I have been studying using free online MOOC's i
-Front-End Development,
-Back-End Development
-and just basic learning with OOP skills with C#,
-and rarely a little bit of SQL and Unity Game Development (Only do the game dev for a fun way to improve my c#)

Now obviously with anyone that knows Front-End and Back-End those two in itself are two huge areas to learn and have a huge tech stack by itself.

I have been cycling between them every few days and building some projects with them to increase my skills to.

So anyway the question is, in order to improve my chances of finding a job with no degree but a mere certificate and not being a super genius programmer, would it be better to narrow down my learning to just 1 or 2 things aka just Front-End or just Back-End so I can be more proficient in one as opposed to having a basic general understanding of each one?
If so which one? And would it be the best and most easiest to get a job in, based on my current skill level and education background, no coding commercial work experience?

All skills learned: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, C#, SQL, jQuery, ASP.NET MVC, Web API and Entity Framework
All software learned and most familiar: Visual Studio, SQL Server (Yeah big list but based on the interview challenges seems like I got a long way to go on each one in terms of knowledge of the code, making it scalable, using minimal code to achieve the same thing etc)
Repo(if it helps with insight to my level of skill currently to make the decision:


  • +2

    I work for a software company (but with the sales teams).
    My general suggestion is further study (unless maybe uni level computer science or similar) isn’t likely to get you any more advancement in that element of your resume.
    Think of it like RPG character stats, you already have 75% in that category, so beef up the other areas.

    A really well thought of way to do this is participate in open source software projects. There are literally millions, so pick one that interests you that you think you can help with. Maybe you saw a flaw in a js library during your front end course, that you could improve. Maybe a tool that integrates Raspberry Pi’s with fit bits (made up example) is cool but incredibly ugly.
    Your examples on github are a start, but if you work with an OSS project you can show how you can work as part of a team, and build real solutions to real problems.

    I think to do this kind of thing, you would necessarily have to narrow your focus/build specific expertise a bit.
    Otherwise, start applying for entry level jobs and see what feedback potential employers are offering.

    • Hello, thanks for your input.

      Further study towards a Bachelors is something I would like but the most I can manage and afford money and time would be a Diploma Level potentially, so I guess If I do not manage to get a job soon and I get a general admin job or something I could study while working.

      Open source projects sounds like something interesting, will definitely have a go with that. I did find a few mistakes in a few places and outdated method names and structures used, which I had to update and eventually got my apps running most of the time, so maybe I will try doing more courses too, in the same subjects with different providers too and see if I can find some there, at least that way I am taking the course with something the same content(front and back end) approached in other ways.

      Hmm good idea with the feedback too, will ask for feedback for my submitted quiz attempts.

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