Please Help With Laptop Like-For-Like Replacement

Hi all,
Started with all things computing ~35yrs ago. But I'm absolutely off the pulse lately. Please advise a suitable replacement

Looks like any Lenovo deals around ~$750 would be a fair replacement, when I look at specs? It's for family use, and amateur photoshop of personal photos.

A very close friend broke the power socket on their great laptop, and I dived on offering to fix it. Like I do to anyone in need. Found the issue, pulled it entirely to bits 3yrs ago. Life has been tough since, and moved house several times. God knows where the 100pieces are. Rebuild is not possible. I DO have all their data x2.

I'm TIGHT, but I need to replace it. It has to be done. The friendship died a silent death, from hopelessness.


  • Why don't you ask your friend what they want?

    • They're going to refuse the new laptop. We're at a stalemate.

  • 3yrs ago

    I guess better late than never…he did still however not have it for those 3 years and for some reason you kept his data.

    Looks like any Lenovo deals around ~$750 would be a fair replacement, when I look at specs

    Lenovo ones would have better specs, but bit better specs would be the least you could do.

    • Refusing to give-up on the project. It was always argh, it's been another couple of months.
      They were never fussed about the data, so long as its backed-up.

      A brand new machine, in place of something broken, that no local shop wanted to attempt. More than I've spent on myself in years. Pinching pennies every single day.

      Here to help, or judge?

  • +1

    After 3 years he reliase he needs a laptop, and has been away from his data for 3 years????…..

    • +1

      Yea, could just give him the cash. He probably has a replacement laptop by now.

    • We speak every month or so. And then I remember the laptop, and start the conversation with an apology. He always says it's all good, no rush. I remind him how bad its become. And he says, when ya get a chance.

      He's the kind of person that just walks away from items. I'm the one always saying, whoa, dude… At least keep your data.

  • Find the old laptop on gumtree and switch the hard-drive!

    • Thought about that. They seem expensive, for an oldie. Thought with the good will, apology aspect… Just buy new

      • Buying something new like-like as in with actual GPU (as opposed to on-die configs) will normally set you back more $.

  • Megabuy usually has refurbished laptops like lenovo x250 / x260s. You just need one with an IPS screen for accurate colour for photos.

    • not all ips are equal

      there are shitty ips as well


    $400 asking price is too much (more like ~$250) so it needs negotiation. Get someone you know in ADL to pickup and send it?

    Alternatively look for a decent condition Latitude E6540 as a replacement.………

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