Currently on TPG Thinking of Going to Belong

Hi guys

Just want some advice. Im currently on TPG $69.99 per month im out of contract now. Im on fttn 50/20 getting full speed on peak times. Im thinking of swaping to belong starter. its alot cheaper on $55.00 per month. We only use the internet for netflix, stan and sometimes play league of legends. just want to get peoples opinion on ping, download speeds etc.


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  • You should be fine

  • +1

    Anything but Belong please. Crap CS.

  • Speeds, ping etc depends on tech. However, they should be no different on Belong compared to TPG.

    The Starter plan's download speeds are capped at ~37mbps these days but I've found little practical difference on a day to day basis as I mostly stream. It manages 4K streaming effortlessly (I don't game though)…

    • I've heard they tend to throttle connections but I've been able to achieve close to 50/20 on speedtest.

      Already use them at a holiday house and considering leaving tpg for them at home.

      • Some lucky areas remain unthrottled, but most are now capped at ~36-37mbps…

        It doesn't make much difference though unless you download big files regularly…

  • Im on fttn 50/20 getting full speed on peak times.

    I'd stay. You can always try belong for a month and see how it goes.

  • +2

    We used Belong for a year, and they were adequate in terms of network performance. Seemed to have lots of little outages for a minute or two, just enough to be annoying.
    Very difficult to get effective customer service on the occasions I had to deal with them.
    Considering Internet is likely to be quite important in the coming weeks, I probably wouldn’t risk moving to save $10. What if they muck up your order and it takes 2 weeks to sort out?

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