Wife and i were just in the market for investment property 2months ago but since the covid pandemic - we will put this plan on hold for 1-2 yrs.
Had a real estate rung me the other day - the agent was for a house we visited in December. So 4 months in then a random call - is business very slow now?
Just wanting to have a feel what’s happening now if you’re selling or buying?
- What is the interest like? (i know this will differ with each location)
- what do you do after each open inspection? Sanitised the whole house? I assumed its much worse if you’re still living in the property.
- interest? On hold? Best time to buy?
Keen to hear any of your thoughts.
I just bought a PPOR this month. I think the best time to buy a PPOR is when you need it. The best time to buy an investment is when the numbers stack up to highlight it's a good decision. Have you done the numbers on a property you are interested in?