Cheap nbn/ADSL for Solar Battery?

Currently don't have any home wifi (use my 4G phone). Apparently a condition of getting a home solar battery subsidy is a working wifi connection (and they say 3g/4g is not fast enough?).

So apparently need wi-fi, data amount required (no idea), not much i'd assume.
Used the comparison sites to find the cheapest plan, they say $29.90 per month. Surely can get cheaper than this with prepay 6month/ 12 month blocks.

Iam able to access Telstra Air from home, but don't think it's a continuous connection, nor maybe fast enough


  • I've boycotted the nbn and my 4G connection is 2.5x as fast as nbn…

    Do you just want a temporary nbn connection to qualify for the subsidy?

    If all the paperwork can be done within a month you can just use this deal

  • 4G hotspot wifi. Just call the access point TelstraNBN nobody will know the difference.

    • Yeah, that was my plan. However, they specifically have a subsection in the vpp contract that the repayment terms ($7 refunded per day) will be cancelled if a 3g/4g is detected, and will be suspended until a wired system is installed.

      I don't know enough about speeds etc. 4G is super quick streaming here etc, but don't know enough about small packet / start up 'latency' etc?

      • I would suggest to you to double check that. Obviously there is a difference between a mobile phone and a 4G home internet (powered & wired). NBN Fixed Wireless is essentially 4G too.

  • It looks like the NBN wholesale price for a 12/1 connection and a 150 kbps data rate is $22.50, so a retail price of $29.90 seems pretty good.

    NBN Co confirms new wholesale discounts and annual data capacity increases to meet customer demand

    • $22.50..Wow! Phones have so much data these days, surprised there is enough demand to ask $22.50.

      • Price isn't demand based.

        Price is high because the government is trying to get back its investment in building the nbn network directly from people who use it. nbn was expensive to build so the price is also going to be expensive.

        • +1

          Trying to get money back from the same people who paid for it. LOL. Maybe they should just be hitting us for the operating cost.

          I don't go out and buy a car, then try to charge myself for the cost of using it.

          I believe that term is called "double dipping"

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