Netflix or Disney+ Offline on TV

Hi. Since everyone seems to be at home and streaming, my internet has gone completely patchy. When I'm streaming Netflix, part way into the movie, the internet can completely cut out. I'm using a Chromecast. It's definitely the internet though.

Is there a way to download offline movies for either Netflix or Disney+ and watch them on TV? I can obviously do it on my phone, but that doesn't let me cast it to my TV. Is there a device that would be able to support this?

I'm not familiar with the Amazon Firestick or Nvidia Shield, but they both seem to have storage. Is it possible to achieve what I want to do with one of these?


  • Would getting an adapter to get the phone or pc or tablet to out put to HDMI be a useful option?
    You might be able to use screencasting too?

    • I should add, I did try doing that with my phone. But it seems like the quality of the netflix download on my phone is significantly lower (even when I select high quality to download).

  • +2

    All the streaming apps for android TV don't have offline downloading. But the versions for regular (mobile) android do. So you can sideload them on android TV and be able to download, but you will probably need to plug in a mouse because their UI is designed for touch screens.

  • +1

    Who's your ISP?

    • And what model router?

  • +2

    Aha! I knew there was a reason why piracy still existed.

  • -7

    I have NBN 100/25 and have no problems streaming even 4K. You could move to an area which has faster NBN.

    • +6

      Yeah OP… just move house. Simples.

  • What happens when the internet "cuts out"? Do other devices lose internet? Does your router lose Wifi? What does your router log say?

    • He could just enable QoS settings in his router, to limit the internet bandwidth the streaming device can receive to say 80% of the max bandwidth.

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