Washer + Heat Pump Dryer Combo

Looking for a washer + heat pump dryer combo machine.

So far the only model I can find is


Which is whooping $6k and seems exclusive to TGG hence can't find any other sellers.

Wonder how much discount I can get TGG commercial as well. Anyone has access please shed some insight?


  • +3

    You really don't have the space to have a washer and dryer separately?

    $4472 at GG commerical.

    The best thing about heat pump dryers is the energy efficiency, but if your spending over $4k+ on a washer/dryer I highly doubt you'll ever make your losses back going for a heat pump.

    • +1

      I think the real selling point for heap pump dryers is that they don't dump all the moisture into the room and cause condensation on the walls rather than buying for efficiency.

      • That's true but what I mean is with a 5k+ budget, I'd consider buying a normal combo washer/dryer if size doesn't permit and just get it professionally vented.

        Or better yet - getting a seperate washer and hear pump dryer if size permits = $1500.

      • Condenser dryer is way cheaper and does the same thing, just uses more power

    • Thanks for the intel!

  • -1

    Washer + Heat Pump Dryer Combo

    I've used a combo washer/dryer twice in my life at rentals, I would never buy one.

    The first place I washed towels and ended up with fluff in the next 3-4 loads, real PIA. Any time saving was lost in getting all the fluff off.

    The other place I didn't do towels, but each wash/dry load took 5-6 hours…… a LONG time. Basically lucky to do two wash/dry loads a day.

  • Combos don’t do either function well, better off with two machines.

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