Peak smart aircon and solar

Does anybody have an idea of how a peaksmart enabled air conditioner and solar PV supply interact?

If Energex cap my aircon power can I make up this lost power with my solar so my aircon is not affected at all?


  • I believe the answer is no, unless you also have a battery.
    The peak cut-off already takes account of the generation coming into the grid from solar.

  • +1

    Don't let them control your a/c.

    • I also don't like the idea, that's why I'm trying to circumvent it :)

      My next option is to just ask to leave the program the next time I'm getting a sparky around and add 5min of labour to disconnect the device.

      Doesn't appear to be any penalty, just a disincentive of having to pay a sparky to do it. Would usually cost more than the rebate I guess.

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