[StartHere] Expedia - ever get anything back?

Hi guys,

Just after some advice and experience.

Anyone ever successfully got money back from them?

I booked on the 11th of august and followed it up with an enquiry and nothing since. STatus is still sent to network for ~ 6 weeks at least now?

What would be the next step?

Thanks :)

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Expedia Australia
Expedia Australia


  • Hi,

    You just need to wait, this merchant is on a network who works slowly with enquiries.

    Generally enquiry resolution is good but it does take a long time compared to the other network.


  • Thanks Steve, it's hard to know if it is still in progress or not. What is the average expected wait in your experience??

  • I got the cashback approved. Which is nice.

    Thanks :)

  • Hey I was wondering with the Expedia.com.au on MBC. It says money back offer only applies to special expedia rates. How do I know if a hotel I am looking at is offering these 'special expedia rates'?

  • Almost every hotel is, but it's underneath the rate on the right on the search page. It's almost always there.

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