eBay iPhone Replacement Screen Kit

Just found my old iPhone 7 Plus in the drawer, it has a cracked screen. Being an older iPhone, I will attempt the repair.

There are many replacement screen kits on eBay, any recommended sellers?

Now the kits are available in basic or full assembly. Full assembly sounds easier to work with, but it also costs more, and I assume it replaces more part than necessary with inferior parts.

Any suggestions to go with basic of full assembly?



  • Follow the ifixit guide that xuqi linked. Its fairly straightforward when i did it. I'd assume basic is just the screen, panel and digitizer whereas full is the the basic kit with the touch id assembly? when i did mine i went the basic/screen only as the touch ID is registered to the device, its a few more steps but if you follow the guide it shouldnt be an issue. Id also change out the battery too. though the pull ribbons on my battery snapped and made the job of removing the battery a PITA.


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