Best ANC over ear bluetooth headphones with a decent mike

Hi all

Having been doing a bit of looking around and was considering either the TaoTronics BH085 or Sony WH-1000XM3 but neither seem to be decent for mike quality. I'm looking for a pair to wear in an open plan shared office space, which can also take calls. Wireless, decent ANC (though I'm not that fuss in this regard).

Any suggestions?


  • Bose NC700 has the best mic in the game when it comes to ANC headphones. Some good tech in there.

  • +2

    Who's Mike? I found the WH-1000XM3 to work well.

    • +1

      Same here

  • anyone tried the Anker Q10?

  • +2

    Whats your priority? Call quality or the sound quality, ANC?

    I have a pair of Sony WH-1000XM3 and i've asked others on the other end of my phone calls to tell me how it sounds, it sounds fine they say, slightly muffled but if your not doin pod casts or audio work then for general use for calls or web based video calls like on Zoom, Skype or Teams it is still fine. The ANC and the sound quality, battery outweigh any cons. Plus with the XM4 comming out soon, you could probably snag it for under $300.

    Apart from that it is one of the best wireless over the ear headphones I own and have tried for the price (super comfy, great ANC, battery is good, great sound, steady connection no drop outs, got it for a good price, better than the Bose QC35ii). The Bose 700 have good mics but it is relatively more expensive in comparison.

    If call quality is an absolute priority a more specialised headset from Jabra or Plantronics make very good headsets designed with call quality in mind.

    Hope this helps! Happy Hunting!

    • Thanks for this! Yeah I would say that call quality is important, but it doesn't need to be podcast quality. Hopefully they can hear me clearly in a crowded room on the other end.

      For podcasts and so forth I have a dedicated mic and space for that.

      Appreciate this!

      • +2

        I would say it'll be fine, I'd be more concerned for the crowded end of your call and what equipment they are using. You see a lot of interviews on the news that the person being interviewed have things like Airpods n such so i'm sure the Sony's will be a good choice if you do decide to use them.

        Happy Hunting!

  • +1

    I'm pretty happy with the mic on jabre elite 85h
    Got it on Amazon when on special

  • +1

    Bose qc2

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