How Well Does Optus 5G Run on 4G?

I am an Optus 4G home internet customer (on the 200GB/mth deal) and I am coming to the end of my 24 month contract in a little while.

One of the options I have been looking at is to switch to the Optus 5g unlimited deal, though I am not on the coverage map yet – but there is every chance that I will be within the time frame of 24 months. It seems like good value at $70pm, and I am quite happy with the 4G coverage and speed, and with Optus's service, but I don't fancy going through the hassle of NBN installation.

I have looked at the modem Optus supplies with 5G, which is the Nokia Fastmile 5G Gateway unit. From what I have read it works very well, even when it defaults to LTE/4G when no 5G signal is available.

Does anyone have any experience with this modem, specifically when it runs at 4G speeds? I am in the E suburbs of Melbourne but any comments would be helpful.

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  • +2

    i thought Optus won't sign you up for a 5G service if you're not in their footprint? thats what i was told

    • The simple answer is you're correct.

      • Think OP going to sign up in 5G suburb then take it to 4G or something like that. Wasn't there an article about how 4G is guaranteed at 50Mbps, just latency is an issue.

        • 5G is guaranteed to 50mbps.
          There is no speed guarantee for 4G.
          4G speeds vary by region and by time of day.
          In my area, my Optus 4G speeds fluctuate anywhere between 100mbps and 30mbps (fairly consistent 8mbps up) with a dedicated modem and roof-mounted antenna.

          But as mentioned above, Optus will not sell you a 5G plan unless you can show you live in a 5G coverage area. The $68/month 500Gb 4G deal is decent and will be effectively unlimited unless you need to download the internet every month or stream 4K content.

    • If that is the case, just do month-month with your current plan assuming it is still an ok deal. Or sign up to a new 4G deal and ask if you are able to upgrade to 5G when it becomes available

  • it would think it would depend on the modem and the Carrier Aggregation of 4g bands.

    B818 (best optus 4g modem atm).
    LTE: B1/3/5/7/8/20/26/28/32/38/40/41/42/43
    UMTS: B1//5/8
    4*4 MIMO : B1/3/7/38/40/41/42/43

    Nokia Fastmile
    – 4G/LTE: 5 MHz, 10 MHz, 15 MHz, 20 MHz
    • FDD B1 (2100 MHz), B3 (1800 MHz),
    B7 (2600 MHz), B28 (700 MHz), TDD B40
    (2300 MHz)

    B818 will out perform the nokia on 4g.

    YMMV depending on the towers around you.

  • On my 5G plan in SE suburbs I get 300-400 down 20-35 up. Never got 4G, always 5G

  • You have not done your research correctly as:
    a) Optus will not sell it as you are NOT in a 5G area.
    b) Some end users are having issues with the Nokia modem when running on 4g. This seems to be from what I have seen a common issue if the modem falls back to 4G, along with the modem not automatically connecting back to 5G without a power cycle.
    c) There are a small number of end users with a few other issues with the Modem and Optus support is non existent in helping them from what I have seen.

    I suggest you do allot more reading up on whirlpool before locking in for the 24 months with the 5G plan assuming Optus will sell you one so that you are familiar with the optential issues and speeds that you may get.

    I have a B818 4G modem and have been reading up on the Optus 5G and Nokia modem as 5G the tower that I can see out the window was upgraded to 5G two weeks ago, but has not officially been commissioned for end users yet.

  • I have personally had issues with the Nokia modem twice. It absolutely does not work well at all on 4G and even in 5G areas it seems to work for a while and then revert back to 4G.

    Customer service has been good though and the guarantee was applied on both occasions with full refund.

    If your mobile is with Optus, you could look at upgrading your plan to Optus one (500gb) and get a data sim (shared) and use it with the old Vividwireless modem. It works really well. You can get the modem second hand online. Not sure if it make sense financially in your case though.

  • -1

    Thanks for the input and suggestions from the OzB members who were being helpful…

  • Note the T&Cs in the CIS that require the modem to be connected to 5G within 30 days and then used in a 5G area…


  • I was on Optus 4G for a while, had to be as my other choice was ADSL.
    Then saw the advert for 5G, and went for it. They swapped the contract, sent a return satchel for the 4G modem and 5G was up and running.

    Never been so happier, and never had there been any issues since the time I have been using the 4G.
    Max down I got was 233mbps and generally average over 50 even on a sunday 7pm.

    This is my take on why NBN is done for:

  • +1
    • That’s pretty good, I’m in a 4g area. You reckon I can get the 5G plan and use it here with no problems? Cheers.

      • I have 3 x Optus 5g
        2 in no 5g service.
        Zero downtime in last 5 weeks

        So happy to ditch ABB

        When I cancelled the service, They asked why. and then cancelled
        2 weeks later they sent me a cancelation of service notice. of a notice to me. Think they got But Hurt

  • I have looked at the modem Optus supplies with 5G, which is the Nokia Fastmile 5G Gateway unit

    i think the nokia fastmile 5g is crippled by optus? lots of configuration menu functions blocked. apparently there is not even a option for upgrading the firmware ..

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