Early Upgrade Offer from 3 Mobile

Has anyone else received this email from 3 for First on 3, Hot for 3 or Family and Friends on 3 customers?

It's offering me a free phone (SE Xperia Ray or HTC Salsa or Samsung Nexus S) on a $10 Hot for Vodafone plan. Minimum cost over 24 months is $240. It only includes $20 worth of credits per month but it has free calls to 3 and Vodafone.

Is it worth the upgrade or should I keep my First on 3 account? I don't pay any monthly fees atm and the current call rate is 15c per 30 sec with 25c connection fee but I could do with a new phone.

The First on 3 plan is not available now and was only available for people who joined 3 when it first launched.


  • I think it's a pretty good deal, but I'd try to bargain for a Samsung Galaxy S2.

  • I think 3 is now doing a lot of things to switch people into vodafone on a contract. 3 may disappear anytime soon and combine as vodafone only.

    I heard from my friend any vodafone plan will have flag-fall for calls so your $20 will not get u far, but if u dun do much calls or can do within the $20 then why not for the new phone.

  • Nexus S for $240 over 24 months seems pretty good! Do you have a link so your Friends can take up the offer?

    • It's only available if you are on any of the above-mentioned plans.

  • Web forums are packed with people who switched from 3 to Vodafone and regret having done so.

    • why? i thought they are the same now.
      with vodafone you can call 3 for free but if you are on a old 3 plan then it's not free to call vodafone.

      cause i've got a hot for 3 plan (pay as you go kind of plan) from almost five year ago and i only use it to call 3 ppl (parents). if i can keep the same thing on vodafone and get free calls to voda. that would be the only way i'd switch.

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