What you guys think about Goodtel

I am looking to change my mobile provider

Do good with a generous, no-contract mobile plan.
Goodtel donates 50% of profits to a charity of your choice. So you help people in need and the environment - just by paying your mobile bill.

uses Telstra Network
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  • +2

    I dunno if it's Goodtel or Badtel (as long as it's not One.Tel)

    • +1

      Thanks for the memories.

      And for all the cows out there… Thanks for the mammaries.

      • I'm showing my age, aren't I? :( (… was actually thinking that as I was typing "One.Tel" and trying to remember if it had a full stop in it's name or not :) )

  • +1

    Cheaper to go with a cheap plan, then donate to a charity of your choice directly. Will also be able to claim tax deduction for registered charities.


    • +2

      Cheaper again to go with a cheap plan, and not donate to charities.

      • +1

        Cheaper again to go with no plan and accept donations from charities

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