Ryzen 7 4800H + 1660ti + 98%+ sRGB laptops?

Hi guys,

I'm hunting a laptop with above mentioned specs at a minimum. Does anyone have any suggestions or know a website where I can easily filter by specs like this?

I had by eye on the HP Omen 15 but the ones with above specs are sold out in Australia at the moment.



  • Literally watching a video on this now:

    • +1

      thanks - I have watched that. I really wanted the RP-15 but looks like Australia is limited to the intel variants of this.

  • I am waiting for Lenovo to release new machines in next month.

    So far options are super limited, personally I would get a g14 as I need more productivity with a side of gaming but cannot justify the price.


    You can order from US to save a few hundred but that comes with its own risks.

    • What are they expecting to release?

      • This year's legion announcements, believe we will hopefully be seeing 1660ti/2060 versions released.

  • asus g15 240hz version. great battery too. they get quite hot but a few clicks and a minor registry edit clears all that up.

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