Please Suggest Me a Tablet for My Need

Hi guys, I need a device for mainly reading books and media consumption. I had a 10" tablet before and found it bit too large and heavy in terms of protability. So, I am thinking of buying a 8" tablet this time. Responsiveness, battery life and screen resolution are the most important factors. I can spend upto $600.

An ipad mini would tick all the boxes I know but I never used an Apple product before so it will take me a while to get used to. Plus my phone is an android one so not much integration will be happening.

I would also like to use a stylus to take notes and draw pictures. Please suggest me a tablet for the above needs. Thanks in advance.


  • +1


  • I use an Android phone and iPad mini. Apple products are known for being easier to use compared to Android, so an iPad mini 5th generation with a 1st generation Apple Pencil should suffice

  • Kinda agree Ipad mini will have fewest compromises, for your stated use I struggle to see what the ipad couldnt accomplish.

    If you are invested in Google ecosystem all the key media consumption apps are in the app store so you are covered.

    I pretty much always use Android phone and Apple tablet.

  • i got a Tab S4, OneNote for note-taking and using stylus for writing/drawing + use keyboard cover to type; haven't tried any drawing apps,

    In terms of media consumption; I just go with VLC for media playback and network playback via samba shares from an external hard disk hooked up to an Asus Router (I'm sure I've seen Plex thrown around here a lot too which is another option)

    I have an iPad 2017, big difference with iOS is that it has no file system, you have to manage downloads via an app itself (subsequently stored in the app, can share files to other apps (iirc), itunes to pull it out from iPad to PC), I was using "Documents" to manage downloads to the iPad. (Also, when it comes to buying an iPad, cellular iPads have GPS, wifi doesn't, my ipad was 128gb on an optus tablet/data plan)

    • Managing files is one of my concerns too. I don't know if I will be able to transfer files as easily as Android devices.

    • +1

      Are you using iPadOS? I Thought you could file manage now

      • The next revision of iPadOS is said to bring a boatload of features. Expected sept to Oct 2020.

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