[Resolved] Looking for a good pool cleaner - Kreepy Krawly etc, Victoria


I'm trying to find a good pool cleaner for my parents. Can anyone recommend/give advice on any businesses and/or products?

Note: The pool hasn't been cleaned since I moved out and is not in a good state at the moment :S

Note 2: If you are new to OzBargain, responding and have an association with pool cleaning businesses, please declare the association when you respond, other wise you may get banned and then I can't talk to you


  • I have had various cleaners over the years (Barracuda, fake Kreepy, Hayward) and now have one of these - it is the only one I have had that doesn't get stuck on the steps and so far is the best I have had. I have only had it for a month so can't comment on its durability. It is also quiet - some of them are really noisy


    You can get them cheaper than this on ebay

    • Thank you for your help :)

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