Year 10 Subject Selection

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hi im a year 9 student getting ready for year 10
im planning on applying to medical school and need subject selection suggestions..

next year, im planning on taking
maths methods
earth / environmental science
preparatory english
either economics or engineering
in semester 1

specialist maths
preparatory english
either economics or engineering
in semester 2

is this okay for me preparing for my senior schooling ?
also is taking english literature rather than just standard english better for you when applying for a medical degree??
and which subject would be better (between economics and engineering) for my future pathway?? could you suggest me a backup subject as well??

thank you!


  • +8

    These look like year 11 and 12 subjects.


    • So for 17 and 18 year olds then? The years aren't the same between states.

    • These look like year 11 and 12 subjects.

      If you think that's confusing, wait till you get to Japan where they teach calculus and electrical engineering at the primary school years….no wonder asian people are smarter than you aussie white people of the same age…

  • Do you enjoy studying the subjects you've listed? If so go for it. If you don't like them do what you actually like. Lots of kids do subjects they hate and get into uni courses they hate and end up dropping out and starting again. Good luck!

    • I agree. Do what you will enjoy and excel in. The marks will come naturally.

      My daughter wanted to do Marine Biology (ATAR 91 but it's a lot lower now). She did photography and textiles (and some biology, etc). Top 5th percentile for both and got 93.7 overall. In the end did Environmental Science with marine majors. Currently working in the graduate program for the NSW Dept of Environment and loving it.

  • +5

    I know it is only indicative, but wouldn't you look at the entry criteria for the latest university medical degree courses, and align your studies to achieve those?

  • +2

    maths methods

    South Australian?

    IMO, I feel since you have physics, chem and bio there you basically have the engineering and medical degree covered and possibly economics. The rest are up to you, what you feel you enjoy. You can definitely choose stuff that helps support each other though, for example I know for me, certain things I learned from chemistry I also used in biology and certain things I learned from physics I used in chemistry so it does help cut down some parts.

    for my future pathway??

    The fact you're asking about medical degree, engineering, economics though makes me feel you are quite good at school but don't really know where you want to go or what you want to do? I only bring this up because I know a lot of people get to second year uni and realise their degree is not for them and kind of have a gap year/ become a bit depressed /or do ongoing study trying to find where they want to go.

    Taking it a little further though, lets say you went medical degree, do you see yourself working as a doctor? Heart specialist? Podiatrist? How about an engineer, do you want to build things, develop software, do analytics? Or economics, do you want to do data modelling or research?

    Don't know if its helpful, but if you imagine you had one of those degrees and you went to right now, which jobs would you love to apply for, and which ones do you think urghhh no?

  • +8

    hi - I'm a careers practitioner in a secondary school. Our students have recently completed their course counselling.

    My advice is that since you are a Year 9 student going into year 10, you are best to keep your options open.

    I always advise my students to do the highest level of Maths that they are capable of - which might not be the highest level! However, if your teacher has recommended that you are capable of undertaking Specialist Maths then definitely go with that.

    In regard to your other subjects, you seem to have chosen a number of science electives that will give you a good general background to prepare you for VCE. It doesn't really matter whether you choose engineering or economics - we are only talking about Year 10 studies - you need to have breadth as well as depth.

    Finally, I don't know what the difference is between Year 10 Preparatory english and English Literature at your school. I would say in general though that VCE English is more likely to be the pathway you need for VCE (Even though you CAN do Lit instead of English, most people do English and there are more likely to be teachers to support you in your study whereas Lit is often something that ends up being studied via Distance Ed. )

  • +9

    im planning on applying to medical school and need subject selection suggestions..

    I suggest you get off OzBargain and social networking sites and start studying…

    • +4

      I’m sure JV can give you all the info on the dangers of not studying :).

      • ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh

    • give her a break - it's lunchtime!

  • -1

    If you are heading for medical school you better dissect, diagnose and fix the problem. You are not going out of the operating theatre and posting on OzB asking for a "how to guide"

    School and exams are the most well trodden paths in life, it is easy to get the answers (from teachers / career counsellors on campus). Only reason people do not do well in school is either they have a genuine problem (dyslexia) or their attention was elsewhere.= (on OzB too much maybe?)

  • +1

    The other thing I will mention is that you could look at the VTAC website to investigate the pre-requisites for Medicine.


  • Thinking back to many years ago, I don't remember english literature providing any advantage over english for a medical degree pathway.

    Have a think about your strengths and talents, what do you enjoy doing and good at? Rather than what's expected of you. This will provide a hint to the occupations you're inclined towards then look courses up & the uni you want to study them on VTAC. Check the prerequisites & pathways to to those courses, use that as a guide to select your subjects.

    If after year 10 you find you hated some subjects then re-assess & steer it towards your forte. It's a bit of a discovery journey is high-school, you're in the driver's seat & in the best position to determine your strengths & weaknesses with some feedback from teachers, career advisers, parents, etc. but ultimately you know yourself best, but this requires some working out on your behalf.

    • +1

      Having a good level of English is helpful with any university course and career. Studying it broadens vocabulary, logic, nuance and coherence when writing, critical thinking, and other perspectives.

  • +3

    could you suggest me a backup subject as well??


  • +2

    Check with local university what there preferences are in regards to score and subject. My parents forced me to do 2 subjects of the highest maths which dropped my scores dramatically ( I wasn't good at it and thought it was a lost cause).

    My point is pick subjects that will get you into the course but also that you are comfortable in completing well. Try not to have external factors dictate too much. The same goes for why you want to go to medical school. Don't let your parents tell you to become a doctor , this is a career you can spend a lot of time training for before you have benefits of its use and income generation. So remember its your life and not a life your parents can live vicariously through (although they will certainly try in a lot of cases).

    Live your life how you want, but also remember that you are very young and even if you make the wrong decision now you have so much more time to do something else.

  • im planning on applying to medical school

    There has to be someone IRL to get legit advice instead of an online bargain forum 👌

  • A good thing to do is take a look at the student handbook for your desired university e.g. type in Google "Usyd student handbook medical program" and look at the first year courses, it will state the assumed knowledge, make sure you do the high school courses to satisfy those.

    If you need additional advice, faculties usually have a dedicated 1st year student office and a prof that looks after 1st year. Find out the program office's email address and ask your questions.

    If need be there will always be bridging courses in case you missed something, I never took them but they seem less than ideal because it will be fast paced program over the summer break.

    Also go to open days there will usually be some pg students or club students like medsoc that will help out.

  • -4

    Don't do physics or chemistry too hard
    Do business studies because information is useful in life

  • Don't think the English you take will impact your ability to get into med besides how it would impact your score. English Lit is a lot more free form writing whereas normal English essays are structured and requires less analysis.

    Also the earth/environmental science doesn't really have much relevance to getting into medicine.

    From what I remember, your yr 10 units don't really matter anyway, it's what you choose in yr 11 that impacts your yr 12 units. Before then you can try different subjects.

    • +1

      English lit requires essay writing and critical analysis of other writers' works. It's not creative writing.

      • Yes. I never said it was creative? I said it was less structured and implied it requires more analysis? Which is why I hated it haha

  • +1

    Do they still teach psychology in high school? Would have thought it would be an obvious choice.

  • My son has also just completed his subject selections for year 10. Consider what subjects you will do for VCE. I’m assuming you will be doing Japanese in yr 11 and 12.
    My son is doing Yr 11 Biology next year, as he will do Yr 12 Biology in Yr 11. Putting yourself in a position to have completed 6 yr 12 subjects by the end of secondary school will get you a higher mark. He is doing very similar subjects to you, except two semesters of Biology, and he is doing a semester each of Legal Studies and History instead of Environmental Science. He is also doing IT instead or your language. Ask yourself where Enviro is going to take/help you. Maybe that’s a subject you are doing just because you are interested. Definitely recommend doing Yr 11 Biology this year. I agree with a comment above that Psych may be more appropriate than Enviro.

  • I thought there would be an age restriction on this platform!

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