Recommendations on How to Prevent Dangerous Drivers from Causing Harm to The Public

Would you share any tips on how to protect the public from a dangerous driver?
I have already submitted a police report and sent the dash cam video to dashcamownersaus.

Any additional recommendations on how to correct this driver's behavior?

Short story:
Subaru Liberty 2008 driver attempted to push me from the road by dangerously weaving into my lane, intentionally blocked me from making the lane change for exit, was using horn and flipping the middle finger to intimidate (apart from tailgating).
I think he didn't like the distance I was maintaining from the car in front of me as he was also tailgating me.

Short dash cam video available here:

Update 1: Last chance to have your question answered, the topic will be abandoned in 5 hours. Make sure you use a question mark "?" in your comment if you want me to answer.

Update 2: Thanks everyone for participating in the discussion, we now have around 1,500 views on Youtube and 200 comments in the topic all in less than 36 hours. I did my best to respond to every comment containing a question mark "?". This topic is now officially abandoned and I will not monitor it nor respond to the new comments. The video has also been removed.

Based on the comments, the optimal measure is just to report the dangerous driver to the Police and it is easy to do that online. That may save innocent lives in the future. It is also a good advice to get a rear view dash cam so you can provide better evidence to the Police and report dangerous drivers who tailgate.

The public roads is not a place for aggression and intimidation. Sooner or later your dangerous driving will be captured on video and reported to the Police with the maximum penalty in QLD of 200 penalty units ($26 110) fine or three years imprisonment. If you can't control your anger speak to your GP about that.

closed Comments

  • +17

    From what I can see, the answer to your question is for you to not drive again.

    • -3

      This will not stop the Subaru driver from puting other road users in a dangerous position.

      • +8

        It probably would actually, as you wouldn't be breaking the law sitting in the right lane while not overtaking.

      • +4

        You have been declared GUILTY!

        Stop arguing with everyone.

        You wanted our opinion and you got it…….

        The OB Verdict ……..
        Just stop arguing with everyone here and get off the road and everyone will be happy again

  • +13

    Report yourself to the police and cop your infringement for staying in right hand lane in over 80km/h zone whilst not overtaking.

    • -8

      There is nothing to report as I didnt break the law.

      • +3

        You have sought our opinion and you got it..

      • +8

        Yes you are :
        On single-lane Queensland roads, drivers must keep as far to the left as possible. On multi-lane roads, if the speed limit is 90 or more or if a sign indicates ‘keep left unless overtaking’, drivers must not drive in the right lane unless they are:

        • Overtaking; <<< You were not
        • Turning right <<< You were not
        • Making a U-turn <<< You were not
        • Avoiding an obstruction; <<< You were not , and don't try and use the excuse but his car was there because before you were saying they were tailgating you and the middle lane had no-one in a 2 second gap in front either
        • Driving in congested traffic <<< You were not as seen in video
        • Lawfully using a special purpose lane <<< You were not
        • Drivers are permitted to overtake on the left on multi-lane roads. <<< You were not

        Penalty: $86 fine, two demerit points.

      • I didnt break the law.

        Being incredibly stupid isn't against the law, but that's not what people are talking about here. They're talking about hogging the passing lane. That's breaking the law.

  • +6

    3 lane road and you are in the far right.

    Seriously, Australian freeways would be much better driving if people realised that the middle lane wasn't the 'left lane' and everyone just moved left when practical

    The number of times I've driven freeways like this one in a completely empty left lane doing the speed limit and overtaking those siting in the middle and right lanes is ridiculous

  • +2

    Right lane is for overtaking only.


    That looks just like another Saturday (or any other day on a Sydney road). Drivers better get used to it with Australia's 8.8m (2016) vehicles.

  • Nothing to see here

  • +6

    Terrible driving OP.

    Surprised the police did not give you a fine for sitting in the right lane for that long.

    What car do you drive? Camry?

    • -1

      Car model is irrelevant. Let it be a Camry if you prefer.

  • +1

    Where's the footage of said "was using horn and flipping the middle finger to intimidate (apart from tailgating)"? Didn't see any of that.

    All I can see is the Liberty wandered into your lane for a brief period of time.

    • +1

      I understand his camera wouldnt show that. That said, if the driver was that agitated and angry as implied, then I am surprised that when he did overtake, he didnt brake test our friend.

      There is nothing wrong in honking someone who has annoyed you and even giving an angry glance or finger to indicate displeasure. Its when they do something dangerous, and the video doesnt show what normally would be expected, to be cut off or brake tested when they pass.

      Op. were you driving exactly at the speed limit? When did you last calibrate your speedo? Why are other cars in the far left lane moving faster than you? - The white Four wheel drive?

      As for Police taking action. You have to be joking. Look at the reaction here. If the cops took that to a judge, they would lose and probably have to pay court costs.

      And what about a license plate? Or do they book any random 2008 Liberty.

      A stiff drink - not when you are going to drive, and a good look at your own actions mnight help understand how to avoid this in the future.

      Or look for the post by someone with dashcam, talking about a turkey driving slowly in the right lane.

      • -2

        I was doing 95 kmh on cruise in 90 kmh zone, that is around 91 kmh based on phone's GPS.

        Towards the end of the video I was decelerating in order to get in the left lane behind the Subaru driver but he was obstructing my maneuver by matching the speed, that is when the white Four wheel drive took over.

        Their licence plate is clearly shown in the video, 790ZJA.

        • +3

          I was doing 95 kmh on cruise in 90 kmh zone, that is around 91 kmh based on phone's GPS.

          Most drivers would call that speeding which is an offence.

          Their licence plate is clearly shown in the video, 790ZJA.

          The vid is so blurry. The only number plate I see is 639ygf.

          • +1


            The only number plate I see is 639ygf.

            Invalid registration. According to Qld. registration check, 639YGF is "Not Found". This means that it has either been never issued or that it has been unregistered for some time and cancelled due to rego being expired for some time. Possibly a dash cam from OP's previous car or OP's car is chronically out of registration that the plate has been cancelled.

  • +16

    All that I took from your video was three lanes of sparsely populated, smoothly flowing traffic, and for some reason you felt the need to plonk yourself in the rightmost lane.

    Keep left unless overtaking


    • +7

      It's sparse traffic cos all the traffic is behind him.

      • +6

        Hyperbole aside, the OP's complaint was that the Subaru Liberty driver went out their way when they were trying to get out of the rightmost lane.

        It always amazed me at how those that proudly defend their right to hog the right hand are oblivious to the degree to which they disrupt the natural flow of traffic.

        As a daily motorway driver, there are few maneuvers that I dread more than merging into faster traffic on the left.

        Not keeping left is not just a courtesy thing… It's a safety thing. It's no surprise that people get justifiably angry whenever this topic comes up.

      • LOL^

  • +2

    Simple, fine people who hog the right hand lane and drive super slow, teach people to merge safely and speed up where nessesary, stop this insane push to regulate a fixed speed limit and teach people to drive responsably. It comes down to driver education and training, two things entirely absent from our system after you've got your p plates. So many incompetent and clueless drivers who lack confidence to the point that its dangerous for other drivers.

    Also, I feel for older folk who still want to be independant and drive when they have clearly lost their senses. I will be in that category too someday, so we need to have compassion. But once your sight and/or hearing dips below a certain threshold, you shouldn't have your license, driving isn't a human right. It's a priveldge that you have to earn.

    • The OP had lived in NSW where annual testing for those over 85 is law.

      Or retire to QLD, where there is no testing required.

      • stop this insane push to regulate a fixed speed limit

        exactly, I'm pretty sure I can drive safely at 200kmph. In fact, a study showed that 80% of people are above average drivers…or was it they thought they were…oh well, what's the difference.

  • +3

    You were sitting under the speed limit in the rh lane, with a gap to the car in front of you that could have had 3 semi trailers in it. Keep left unless overtaking. The liberty driver was attempting to correct your behaviour using hand signals.

  • +11

    thats 1:20 of my life i will never get back. nothing to see here folks, just another slow driver that cant get up the hill…..

  • +7

    GTFO of the right lane.

  • +6

    The only person I can see doing anything wrong is you.
    Learn the road rules before you have a sook about another driver who was obviously trying to educate you on your inability to follow the road rules.
    Lucky it wasn't me they would still be scraping your car off the guard rails.

  • I think OP should MIND THIER OWN BUSINESS and concentrate on their own driver safey instead.

    Its trouble makers like OP that stir up stress and violence and the incidents that follow.

    So OP just put a sock in it.
    Dont want to hear from you again.

    For everyone else…

  • +1

    Needs a poll!
    Will probably head the same way as the Youtube ratings, currently 11 thumbs down, 0 thumbs up.

    • What should the options be?

  • Eventually drivers like this come to the conclusion that they need to hand in their licence and stay of the roads

    • +1

      The problem is, they don't, and they continue to go on to be a menace on the road because of their inability to see that they are the issue. Entitled people never see themselves as being the cause, but only as being the victim…

  • 421 views in YouTube … I'm jealous :(

  • You are being a CU Next Tuesday. You are also driving illegally, the only driver I can see in the video that is doing so.

    On roads with a speed limit of more than 80 km/h, you must not drive in the right lane unless:

    turning right
    legally making a U-turn
    there is a left lane must turn left sign or left lane traffic arrow
    avoiding an obstruction
    marked lanes are congested
    the right lane is a special purpose lane allowing the lane use
    the left lane has a slow vehicle making a left turn

    So perhaps we should turn this video over to the NSW police and let them fine you.

    Learn the road rules, obey the road rules and stop being an annoying prick hogging the right lane.

  • +8

    Problem is this goose will still think he's in the right here and continue to drive like this on a daily basis. You are in the wrong, regardless of whether the guy behind you wants to speed or not, just move. It's people like you that cause 99% of road rage problems, you're not a policeman that dictates the speed to others on the road, you're not doing the public a service by slowing someone down, all you're doing is pissing the person behind you off to the point they do something stupid like in the video. Just get out of the way and check your ego, everyone will be much happier.

    • +2

      He is upvoting comments that defend hogging the right lane.

      He claims he knows its wrong. He claims he doesn't do it. His video shows him doing it and he is supportive of comments that defend the deed.

      Go figure.

  • +2

    You are part of the problem, a road rager

  • +5

    The only thing that video shows is (1) your failure to keep left unless overtaking, and (2) the time-honoured "sit in the wrong lane for mile after mile and then suddenly need to change lanes because your exit has appeared and expect everyone else to accommodate you" manoeuver.

    If anything, the police will be most interested in your not keeping left. Wouldn't be at all surprised if you pick up a bluey for that out of all of this.

  • +3

    What's in the video to watch? I threw a downvote on the video, and you're welcome.

    • Subaru dangerously wavering into the lane.

      • Agreed. But no more than your decision to overtake someone who was drifting between lanes.

  • Defensive driving, look it up.

  • +2

    How many more people commenting will it take to make you realise that your driving is the main issue here?

    • -2

      Most people who comment here don't bother to read the full story and act on their unfounded assumptions.
      This is not kind of advice that should be seriously considered.

      It is not possible to keep left if a car in the left lane intentionally matches your speed.

      • +1

        If you couldn't manage to overtake the car on the left, you're in the wrong because you're not overtaking.

        If one person calls you an (profanity), they're an (profanity).

        If everyone calls you an (profanity), you're an (profanity).

      • +4

        The entire situation could have been avoided had you utilised the RH lane as it was intended to be used.

        If the Subaru can move from the RH lane into the middle lane and pass you, then you've had an opportunity to depart from the RH lane yourself and it appears that you didn't take it. It appears that you've kept yourself in the RH lane for far longer than necessary.

        That's not to say that the Subaru should have tried to execute that dangerous manouvre, that did look dangerous. But again, all of this could have been avoided had you simply moved out of the way and been aware.

        • I don't think that's true. Just because other drivers are willing to cut people off when merging back after overtaking, doesn't mean that OP should. If what OP says is true and he was waiting for a safe distance to merge back to the left, whilst doing the speed limit, then he has done nothing wrong. Just because people want to break the speed limit in the right hand lane, doesn't mean you have to move out of the right hand lane when it is unsafe to do so, just to accommodate their speeding.

          It always amazes me that people rage so hard about people not keeping left because it's "against the law", but think that speeding is acceptable and you should get out of the way of people who want to speed.

      • read the full story and act on their unfounded assumptions

        Watched the dashcam footage… waiting for the mspaint diag so I can fully appreciate the content..

        But.. why didn't you indicate and move to the left lane when the Subaru was tailgating you?
        I mean after all the subaru driver demonstrates how to switch lanes between the 3 and 7 second mark…

        • Because I was overtaking a slower car in the left lane and doing a speed limit.

      • +1

        Indicate left and slow down until you're able to switch lane. Stop if you need to.
        Is the car on the left going to stop next to you just block you from coming in?

        • That what he was doing for a while until we decelerated from 95 kph to around 60 kph towards the end of the video. He then decided he had enough and rapidly accelerated.

          • @Mozgodrom: Using the lines on the road and the time frame in the video, we can work out the approximate speed you were doing.

            At the start of your video, your speed was about 83km/h.
            In the middle (30 second mark) you were doing the same speed.
            Near the end of the video, (50 second mark) when the other car passes you, you had slowed down to be doing about 76km/h.
            Once you pulled in behind the other driver (blue Subaru) you went back to around 85km/h.

            There was no "rapid acceleration" from the other driver and at no stage were you down to around "60km/h" If anything, the other driver maintained their speed the whole time, and it was not until you slowed down that they were able to get in front…

            Story is, you were not doing 90, (you were certainly not doing 95, nor did you slow down to 60) and you were not over taking anyone. Ergo, get out of the right most overtaking lane if you are going slower than the posted speed limit and are not passing anyone.

  • +4

    Get off the road mate

  • It looks as though OP accelerated to prevent the subie from overtaking. He probably assumed that OP would decelerate to let him pass.

    I am surprised you haven't had this kind of interaction more frequently.

  • Is the video itself from the dangerous driving subaru not clearing the passing lane?

    • -2

      It is not possible to keep left if a Subaru driver in the left lane intentionally matches your speed.

      • +1

        Not possible? Give your indicator, knock the speed down gradually until the driver on the left give you way.

      • +1

        If you're not going faster than the traffic in the left, then maybe apply the brakes so you are behind the car to your left, and then turn the steering wheel left to take up your position behind them.

    • No.

  • ? Maybe put in a poll asking if you're breaking the law or not. Or you're afraid that the results aren't favorable?

    • -2

      That wasn't the purpose of this topic as it is about using legal methods to stop dangerous driving behavior (and the results of this poll are quite predictable).
      People who comment here seem to be quick in making judgement based on their unfounded assumptions without reading the full story.

      Rest assured, I will let the community know if QPS decides that the video implicates me in any wrongdoing.

      • +1

        Why not post the 5 min before this video and exonerate yourself? Show that we all mis-judged you, there actually was a car next to you and you couldn't merge left.

        We've all read your side of the story, or as much as you're willing to share. Then you refused to add more information as required to get the full picture, and blame everyone else for the conclusion?

        • People who don't bother to read four sentences before posting are not likely to watch five minutes of uneventful driving either.

          • +7

            @Mozgodrom: In a public forum you don't get to dictate what direction the discussion goes.

            In this case, we're more interested in why you decided the right lane was the right place for you to sit.

            Just like how I can't force you to share more footage, but your insistence not to share it makes us all feel that you're the one in the wrong in this case.

            Besides, your question

            Any additional recommendations on how to correct this driver's behavior?

            pre-judges that driver's behaviour is wrong. You're not after suggestions, you're after agreement that you did the right thing, and OzB does not agree.

      • +1

        That wasn't the purpose of this topic as it is about using legal methods to stop dangerous driving behavior

        No one has a problem with the topic.

        People who comment here seem to be quick in making judgement based on their unfounded assumptions without reading the full story.

        We have the video. It is your video. It is a snippet of a whole and we are watching the snippet you thought was most favourable to your cause.

        After all that, all evidence including your inconsistent claims, all of it points to you being a bad driver.

        Yet you still think you have done no wrong and someone else is a bad driver.

        Do you realise that it is absolutely dangerous for an oblivious driver to keep driving despite being explained to why they are breaking the rules and being dangerous.

        The only assumption that I will make here will be this - you could probably hit a tree and think the tree is in the wrong.

  • +2

    Hand in your license Op.

    That long in the right lane is not overtaking and when the car tries to come in to your lane you speed up! If there was someone to your left as you claim, take your foot off the accelerator, knock off 5 or 10km/hr and safely merge back in to the left lanes. The only person driving aggressively and ignoring the road rules here is you.

  • -2

    OP don't think the responses would be any different if you were in the left lane. They would just use the 'mind your own business' excuse because they haven't had someone killed by a reckless driver. People are giving this driver the benefit of the doubt they they might have had an emergency so it's only fair to give you the benefit of the doubt in that you couldn't merge.

    • +2

      benefit of the doubt in that you couldn't merge.

      OP mentioned he was tailgated. The tailgater moved into the left lane without collision and later overtook OP.

      Even if the tailgater narrowly missed the car he overtook, it would imply there is sufficient space for OP to return to the left lane because OP would be travelling at a higher speed because that is required when overtaking which OP was in the overtaking lane.

      don't think the responses would be any different if you were in the left lane.

      Please link just one instance where this has occured. Just one. One.

      • OP mentioned he was tailgated. The tailgater moved into the left lane without collision and later overtook OP.

        I went to rewatch the video but it was taken down so I'll take your word for it. I don't think OP would really care if he was fined if he was actually breaking the law. I could be wrong.

        Please link just one instance where this has occured. Just one. One.

        This issue with dash cams isn't new, I guess it's just based off experience but there's generally always people telling others to mind their own business (I was told this before as well) or that Australia is a nanny state.

        • +1

          I went to rewatch the video but it was taken down so I'll take your word for it. I don't think OP would really care if he was fined if he was actually breaking the law. I could be wrong.

          You are wrong. Read the earlier comments. It is all but conclusive.

          Your baseless accusation that the general consensus is to belittle and "mind your own business" is just ridiculous. You can't even name one instance. It is a nanny state but it has nothing to do with OP hogging the right lane and you continuously trying to justify the action.

          Look, there is a new post. As of writing, there is no evidence yet but the response is predominantly to wait for evidence or in support of OP's evasive manoeuvre.

          So, unless you can link an OzBargain forum post where the general consensus is "mind your own business" regardless of evidence presented, you're just talking nonsense.

          don't think the responses would be any different if you were in the left lane. They would just use the 'mind your own business' excuse because they haven't had someone killed by a reckless driver.

          • @[Deactivated]:

            You are wrong

            I was referring to whether OP would be happy to pay the fine. Both people in the video should be charge but the subaru is hogging and speeding

            CHM: Besides, other people speeding isn't your concern

            So, unless you can link an OzBargain forum post where the general consensus is "mind your own business" regardless of evidence presented, you're just talking nonsense.

            Wasn't specifically referring to OzBargain, I just recall seeing topics like this brought up before and they were often flooded with comments like that. Generalising just makes life easier. You're right though, all comments are about OP hogging up the lane.

  • Not excusing the other driver, but why the hell are you in the outside lane?

    • -3

      I was overtaking the car in the left lane that was within 25 meters (2 seconds at 90kph) from my car in the beginning of the video.
      After that, I wasn't able to keep to the left since the Subaru driver was intentionally matching my speed to obstruct this maneuver.

  • +8

    Half minute through the video, I'm already irritated by your driving behaviour.

    Use the freaking left lane or middle lane if available. Don't hog the traffic.

  • +1

    It is disturbing how many drivers show inconsideration, by driving when not overtaking, in the overtaking lane.

    If it is ignorance, maybe there is a case to forgive them.

    However in many instances, unfortunately, it is evidence of arrogance !

  • +5


  • +1

    Can you first tell us how we could prevent somebody like you from hogging the right lane?

    • I was not hogging the left lane and there is zero evidence to indicate this.

      • +1

        Agreed, you were not hogging the left lane.

        We have 1:20 worth of evidence that you were hogging the right lane though.

  • +3

    Why were you driving in the right lane without needing to overtake?

    I'd suggest handing in the video to the police so that they can fine you for breaking the law.

    • I suggest you reading my previous replies. It is not possible to keep left if a Subaru driver in the left lane intentionally matches your speed.
      The video has already been submitted to the QPS.

      • Just think about it.

        If we the "idiots" here cant see evidence of what you are claiming, how the hell can the cops do the same. You havent got enough of their time to interact with them like you are here.

        Then they have to convince the Judge that what you are saying is true.

        At best its a "I said, they said" scenario. Unless you are a QLD police officer, the judge has not clear case from your evidence.

        Move on and Move over faster. The only way they could have blocked you is there was space there to block. Which means the gap was at one stage large enough for you to be there, unless they forced another car out of that lane.

  • Recommendations on how to prevent dangerous drivers from causing harm to the public

    One of the teams I led dealt with driver safety materials and training.

    To answer your main question. If everyone was part of the solution instead of contributing to the problem, it would reduce dangerous driving, so become a good driver. Driving is not natural for human beings. Training in how to do it well is important. Unfortunately, most people end their training once they gain their drivers license. If you don't learn correctly, there's a good chance you've ingrained bad and/or dangerous habits. It's astounding how many drivers don't understand common road rules. It also surprises me how many openly and publicly disobey the road rules and encourage others to do so without having a clue to why rules have been put in place and why you see some rules are more enforced than others.

    Don't incite. Don't inflame. Don't make it worse.
    Remove distractions.
    Take a defensive and/or advanced driving course.
    Learn the road rules.
    Report dangerous driving ot the police and/or main roads.
    Report road defects/obstructions to main roads.
    Leave the rest of it those trained to police it.

    The list goes on and on, but there is a good start if you want to help make the roads safer.

  • -5

    Don't you think that we should just get rid of cars. They're destroying the planet, they're dangerous, and we have busses for a reason. Just get rid of all cars.?

    • Unfortunately it is not possible to have the same quality of life for everyone without cars at this moment in human history.
      However I am sure that human controlled driving on the public roads will be abolished within my lifespan.

      • +1

        If you don't have a disability or an immediate primary job that your driving is a part of(and im not talking commuting to work) you don't need a car.

  • +6

    I sort of admire OP's stubbornness….after being smashed from all angles as if they were at a party in the 80's, OP still refuses to even acknowledge their own fault…..

    WOW……..i admire yet worried that there are drivers like you

  • +5

    I very rarely post comments here but have to say this…OP is an absolute idiot…. get off the right lane.

  • How idiotic. Hogging the passing lane to and whining about other drivers. Keep away from the passing lane!

  • +3

    you are one of those annoying d!ckheads who block the right lane and go as slow as a grandma. it was your fault, nothing to see here.. moving to next post

  • +5

    At the start of the video the Subaru on your left was clearly driving aggressively. At this point you knew this guy was up to no good so you probably should have taken note and been a bit more defensive, slow down further and merge to the left while they were ahead to diffuse the situation and let him go ahead as this would’ve been the next safest action to take. However it looks like you sped up instead at around the 7 sec mark of the video? Can you confirm? (the Subaru’s brake lights didn’t go on so it looks like you sped up slightly?) At this point the Subaru driver got even more pissed hence he tried matching your speed. Not saying they were right OP but you definitely could have handled things much better yourself I.e. slow down instead and merge left the moment you see dangerous behaviour from this other driver instead of trying to go toe to toe with them.

    • From before the beginning of the video to around the 0:35 mark I was keeping a constant speed of around 90 kph (phone gps) on cruise control. I then started decelerating to get behind the Subaru driver in the left lane but he was intentionally matching my speed down to around 60 kph.

  • +5

    How to prevent dangerous drivers from causing harm to the public.

    How about if you start it from yourself?
    Report yourself to the police for hogging the right lane.

    • -2

      I was not hogging the left lane and you have zero evidence to suggest that.

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