Hi, Newbie Here

HišŸ¤™ newbie to online forums, mechanic, about to travel NSW, and hopefully Aus if borders open. Any mechanical problems im here for ideas. Cheers.


  • Welcome! šŸ˜

  • +4

    Drained my oil yesterday and had little metal balls come come out with the oil.

    She okay for a road trip?

    (Asking for a friend.)

    • Haha, just saw the asking for a friend bit at the bottom

      • /whoosh/

  • +2

    What car and pic of the balls? Engine details etc help

    • +3

      It was a test. You are indeed a new user.

      Welcome to the forums.

      • Thanks.

        • +1

          I forgot to mention, entry tests are frowned upon, hence why I got negged so quickly.

          Another one of those super niche bits of OzBargain's dark history.

          • @[Deactivated]:

            …entry tests are frowned upon, hence why I got negged so quickly.


    • +4

      Would prefer not to see pic of his balls. Weā€™re not that kinda website.

      • +1


        I spent a lot of time curating my Moltens, Spaldings and Wilson's for your viewing pleasure.

  • So what do the neg and post do? I posted on a 7 eleven fuel thread asking someone to lock in a price, which several others have done and it got 3 negs?

    • +1

      There are two schools of thought on negs.

      1. Use it on any comments by commenters you remember having a disagreement with.

      2. Flag jv's comments.

      Some people use it for other reasons (like on your comment) but these people are generally clueless.

    • People get extremely irate at people asking dun questions on the 7/11 thread, as so many people are subscribed to it, and get notifications.

    • -1

      ā€œNegsā€ basically translate into ā€œoffended idiot meterā€. The more you get, the more right you usually are.

      • I want to upvote you but that's going to send mixed messages.

        • No, you're supposed to get butt hurt and neg me, because that will teach me a lesson for being right…

          • @pegaxs: It's comments like these that make some users claim lemons are alkali.

            • @[Deactivated]: "DoNt TeLL mE tHaT i DoNt GeT mOaR hOrSePoWeR fRoM 98!!1!!1!"


  • +1

    Welcome Ranga. We have a few resident mechanics on these forums but I'm sure your professional input will be appreciated.

  • +1

    Welcome fellow mechanic. Stealership or independent workshops? What brands are you familiar with? And why is the Toyota Camry your favourite car of all time?

    Be sure to come over to the Automotive sub forum and youā€™ll read up on all the site specific memes to understand half of what is being said.

    And ignore Pam, she is always losing her keys… give it 15 to 30 mins before offering to help, as she usually finds them somewhere close by…

  • I haven't filled up my oil in about 6 months because I don't know what oil to purchase.

    2003 Corolla pls help.

  • Hi Newbie, from a fellow newbie :) I'm jealous. My mechanical skills starts and stops at gaffer tape. I am excellent at breaking stuff though : vases, lamps, doors, tvs, cars, legs hearts… If you ever need anything broken, I'm your woman :p

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